The Involvement Register is a way for people who use our services and their carers to help us plan, develop and improve our Trust’s services. Many Involvement Register members say taking part has helped to build their confidence and skills.
We will do our best to match you to the opportunities available and we offer training or coaching for some types of involvement opportunities. The Involvement Register is not a therapeutic service and is run by non-clinical staff. It is open to people who have used our services and their carers who have been involved with the Trust in the last five years.
It’s really good, it gets you out of the house and you get to see the workings of the organisation. It’s paid and you can learn transferable skills.
Faith, a carer, talks about her experience on the Involvement Register
How to find out more and apply
For more information or to apply to join the Register, please call the Involvement Register Co-ordinator on 020 3228 1592 or email
All those applying to be an Involvement Register member will need to have a Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS) check before they can sign up and begin undertaking rewarded activity. Occasionally because of what is in the DBS a member might be restricted to certain activities and on very rare occasions where there is a potential safeguarding issue may not be able to join the register.
What happens after your application
The Involvement Register is very popular. When there is free capacity your application will considered by a co-ordinator who will acknowledge your application, contact your sponsor to obtain a reference and send you details about your Occupational Health clearance.
If your application is successful, you will attend a meeting with the co-ordinator to complete the sign-up process.
How the involvement register works
Whilst you will be issued with a payroll number and receive payslips, this does not mean that you are deemed to be an employee of the Trust. This just happens to be the most effective and transparent way to pay you for your involvement. When you join the Register, you will be given professional advice on how much money you can receive in payment from the IR without it jeopardising your benefits.
The activities are termed “ad hoc” because they are neither guaranteed nor will they continue on a regular basis. That’s why they are referred to as “opportunities” or “activities’ rather than “work”. You cannot exceed more than 30 hours per month on the Involvement Register.
Ending your activity
To ensure involvement opportunities are fairly distributed an individual’s involvement will be routinely reviewed after two years on a project/assignment. You may leave the Involvement Register any time you wish.