Trust Blog

The Maudsley Blog

The Maudsley Blog — articles for July 2022

Improvements in Patient Safety by Dr Michael Holland

As a Trust we are deeply committed to improving patient safety. As part of our Aiming high: changing lives strategy, there are five quality priorities we have committed to achieving as a Trust. One of these is the reduction of violence and restrictive practice. We can help to improve patient care by reducing the use of restrictive practices to manage challenging behaviour. This includes things like restraint, seclusion and other ways patients’ choices and rights can be limited.

Read Improvements in Patient Safety by Dr Michael Holland…

Meet Sarah Strong, Peer Support Coordinator

Sarah shares her lived experience of mental health and his journey to becoming a Peer Support Coordinator.  

I have experienced anxiety for as long as I can remember and have had multiple periods of severe depression over the last twenty-five years or so spending much of that time on anti-depressants to help manage the worse phases of illness.

Read Meet Sarah Strong, Peer Support Coordinator…
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