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Our Governors

Our Council of Governors acts as a link between service users, carers, staff, the general public and the Trust's Board of Directors.

They support the Board of Directors in setting the long-term vision for our organisation, and hold the non-executive directors to account for the actions of the Board. Our Board of Directors has a duty to consult, and listen to the views of, the Council of Governors.

Photo of Victoria Hayes

Victoria Hayes

Job title Service User Governor

No decision about me, without me". Patient centricity. Shared decision making.

Three phrases highlighting what underpins many health policies and NHS strategies.

Having lived with a chronic mental health condition for the last 23 years and worked, as a public affairs professional, in the life sciences sector since 2011, I am acutely aware of the key role trusts such as the South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust play to make patient-centred care a reality, improve its delivery and ensure the UK's science base remains strong and globally attractive.

As a past Trustee at Fertility Network UK and through my close work with patient groups throughout my career, I have witnessed first-hand that patient and public involvement in the healthcare space still needs to improve to ensure contributions are meaningful.

As a mental health advocate within my workplace, I endeavour to fight against unconscious bias towards people with mental health conditions and advocate for parity between mental and physical wellbeing.

Becoming a Governor at SLaM, I will build on my professional expertise in the policy, advocacy and communications space as well as on my experience as a patient to ensure the Trust's vision, values and strategy are fulfilled and patients remain at the heart of everything the organisation does. 

Record last modified

Contact your governors

If you have a question for your governors, please email governors@slam.nhs.uk

The Council of Governors is made up of:

  • Appointed members from organisations that the Trust works with
  • People who use the Trust's services elected by our membership
  • Carers of people who use the Trust's services elected by our membership
  • Members of the public elected by our membership
  • Members of staff elected by our membership

The Council's responsibilities include:

  • Appointing the Chair and other non-executive directors
  • Removing, if three quarters of the council of governors decide that it is necessary, the chair or other non-executive directors
  • Approving, by a majority, the appointment of the Chief Executive by the non-executive directors
  • Appointing or removing the Trust's auditor
  • Supporting and engaging with the Trust board
  • Holding the non-executive directors to account for the performance of the Trust Board
  • Representing the interests of the members of the Trust as a whole and the interests of the public
  • Approving 'significant transactions'
  • Deciding whether non-NHS work would significantly impact on the Trust's core role
  • Approving, by an overall majority, an application by the Trust to enter into a merger, acquisition, separation or dissolution
  • Approving amendments to the Trust's constitution

Governors review

The governors review includes information about the role of governors and their activities over the preceding year:
Governors review 2021-22

Governors review 2020-21

How to become a governor

Governors are elected to the Council of Governors from the public, service user, carer and staff constituencies. Elected governors serve a three-year term on the Council of Governors. Governors are also appointed by partner organisations. 

If you are interested in becoming a governor, vacancies will be advertised here or you can contact us to find our more via governors@slam.nhs.uk

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