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Photo of Dr Rachel Bryant-Waugh

Dr Rachel Bryant-Waugh

Job title ARFID Clinic Lead/Consultant Clinical Psychologist


Rachel is a Clinical Psychologist with over 30 years’ experience, specialising in the study and treatment of feeding and eating disorders in children and young people.

She has maintained a high level of clinical and research activity throughout this period, most recently focussing on ARFID. She served on the DSM-5 and the ICD-11 workgroups reviewing diagnostic criteria for feeding and eating disorders, and was National Clinical Adviser for NHS England’s Children and Young People’s Evidence Based Treatment Pathway for Eating Disorders. Rachel has won national and international awards for her work, in recognition of her contribution to the field of feeding and eating disorders.

She has published widely, trains colleagues, and teaches in many countries. She is passionate about ensuring that the voices and experiences of children, young people, parents, carers and other family members are heard, respected and included in efforts to further knowledge and improve treatment.


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