Protecting your privacy and dignity
We know that your privacy and dignity is important to you, especially during your stay in hospital, so we have same sex accommodation throughout the Trust.
This means that if you stay in any of our wards you will either be offered your own bedroom or you will have a bed in a male only or female only section of the ward. You will also have access to same-sex bathroom and toilets.
What you can expect when you come into hospital
We want to make sure that your privacy, dignity and modesty are protected at all times when you come in to hospital so wherever possible we will offer you your own bedroom.
Most of our wards are male only or female only. But, if you are admitted into a mixed sex ward then we will place you into a same sex section of the ward and you will either have an ensuite bathroom or same sex bathroom and toilets will be available close by.
Times when patients of different sexes have to be mixed
There are some times when you may have to share accommodation or bathroom/toilets with members of the opposite sex but this only happens when it is in your best interest to do so. For example, if you are in need of specialist care (for example, intensive care, close observation or monitoring) or if you actively choose to share mixed sex accommodation (for example, when using our rehabilitation services).
We will make every effort to protect your privacy, dignity and modesty and to discuss any accommodation issues with you, your family and/or your carers.
Sex of staff caring for you
It is likely that you will be cared for by a mixed sex team of staff.
If you prefer to be cared for by staff of the same sex as you then we will make every effort to try and support this but there are times when this may not be possible.
If you are unwell and need close observation then we will try to make sure that a staff member of the same sex observes you when necessary.
If there are times when you need to have a physical examination then you can choose to have someone accompany you.
Single sex areas for visitors
Visitors are not restricted by their sex. However, because some of our patients are very unwell we do restrict visitors from certain areas. If you have concerns or questions about restricted areas for visitors then please speak to the ward manager or shift coordinator who will be able to advise you.