About us

We provide the widest range of NHS mental health services in the UK. We serve a local population of 1.3 million people in south London, as well as specialist services for children and adults across the UK and beyond.

Each year we provide inpatient care for over 5,000 people, and treat more than 40,000 patients in the community in Lambeth, Southwark, Lewisham and Croydon.

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How we work

Our work is divided across six operational directorates in four boroughs in south London. We provide more than 240 services to local people, as well as more than 50 specialist services for children and adults across the UK and beyond.

Each of our operational directorates is led by a service director who leads their team to deliver the high-quality care we are known for, both in hospital and in the community.

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Our Board

Our Trust Board is committed to ensuring the best possible experience for people who use our services, their carers, and our staff. The Board sets our Trust’s overall strategic direction, and closely monitors our performance against objectives.

Meet our Board

Our Governors

Our Council of Governors acts as a link between service users, carers, staff, the general public and the Trust's Board of Directors.

Meet our Governors

Discover more about us

Patient and Carer Race Equality Framework

PCREF exists to eliminate the unacceptable racial disparity in the Access, Experience and Outcomes of Black communities.

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South London Listens

South London Listens is a unique partnership between the NHS, local authorities, and community organisations to respond to the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic.

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Mental Health Promotion

We are increasingly focused on promoting mental health and wellbeing rather than simply responding to mental illness.

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We are committed to treating people fairly with compassion, respect and dignity.

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Freedom of Information

Find out how you can request information held by us under the Freedom of Information Act.

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Get involved

There are lots of ways you can get involved in our work and help improve people's lives.

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