This year, as part of ambitious plans to modernise our buildings and services, our Trust is closing Lambeth Hospital and a trio of buildings on De Crespigny Park - Mapother House, the Michael Rutter Centre, and Professorial Building - to be developed into much-needed housing and a staff nursery.
Closures are part of a £186 million investment we are making to provide modern, safe, and therapeutic environments for people who use our services, and for staff to work in. Our modernisation programme will create good quality clinical space with enough office space to support the delivery of care.
The following frequently asked questions have been developed to address those queries raised during community engagement for the re-development of De Crespigny Park.
The questions have been divided into sections covering the different elements of the proposals:

Section 1: The Proposals
1. Why is it necessary to develop these NHS properties for housing?
Around 60 per cent of the Trust’s estate was built over 30 years ago and both the Mapother and Michael Rutter buildings are nearly 90 years old. Therefore, we need to provide new facilities that will provide better, purpose-designed facilities for patients’ care and recovery, and for our staff.
To achieve this the Trust needs to use the proceeds from its surplus estate at the Maudsley Hospital to invest back into its current and future hospital and community facilities. Only by releasing value from some of the land we own, and investing this funding back into our Trust services, can the process of modernising our inpatient facilities, begin.
As a public sector organisation, we are also working closely with Southwark Council to ensure that the development of this site meets the needs of the Council particularly in terms of helping them deliver much needed homes, and affordable homes, for the Borough.
2. Surely the NHS needs the space for more mental health inpatient beds? Does this mean you are removing services?
Our clinical vision is to deliver more care closer to home, increase people’s connections with their communities and use inpatient care for those who really need it. We want our services users and the communities we serve to receive world class mental health services. We want them to get the right care, in the right place, at the right time.
No services or beds will not be lost as a result of these proposals. This is about improving the buildings that our services are housed in to ensure they are fit-for-purpose and facilities the provision of high-quality mental health care.
We are in the process of building New Douglas Bennett House. There are plans to create eight modern new, adult inpatient wards that have been designed by patients, carers, clinicians and specialist architects working together to create a modern fit for purpose wards, and a much-improved environment for patients and staff.
The child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS) which currently mainly occupy Mapother House and the Michael Rutter Centre will relocate into the proposed new Pears Maudsley Centre for Children and Young People and elsewhere on the Trust’s sites. Therefore, it is possible that the existing buildings can be redeveloped with the proceeds put towards other mental health facilities and services.
3. Some of the Maudsley Hospital is very old, should the buildings be protected?
In contrast to some other NHS Trusts in the country, most of the Maudsley’s Hospital buildings on De Crespigny Park are old and in poor condition. The buildings date back to the 1930s and have been subject to considerable change over the last 80 years to try and meet the needs of a modernising healthcare system.
None of the properties that are proposed for re-development are listed by the London Borough of Southwark, who consider these properties to have reached the end of their economically viable life. However, we are aware that the existing buildings are considered to have a positive impact on the conservation area and so the architects are committed to ensuring the new designs are of the highest quality and will also incorporate some aspects of the existing buildings to reference their history.
4. What are Mapother House, the Michael Rutter Centre and the Professorial Building currently being used for and where will they move to?
The Michael Rutter Centre houses child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS) which will be accommodated in the proposed new Pears Maudsley Centre for Children and Young People.
The Professorial Building is occupied by King’s College London staff who support CAMHS services, these staff will also relocate with CAMHS to the proposed new Pears Maudsley Centre for Children and Young People.
There are a few services provided in Mapother House which are detailed below:
- Southwark CAMHS will be accommodated in the proposed new Pears Maudsley Centre for Children and Young People.
- Allowance has been made in the decant costs for Persistent Physical Symptoms (PPS) & Psychosexual Services (PS) to be accommodated off-site.
- Cedar House Nursery (South London and Maudsley)
- Belgrave Nursery is a King’s College Hospital service and so the relocation will be managed separately.
- Biomedical Research Centre Nucleus (BRC) is a King’s College London service and so the relocation will be managed separately.
5. What is going to happen to the nurseries currently on site? Will it be re-provided?
Following the planned closure of Mapother House in 2024, we are now working with Kings College Hospital to explore options for delivering a joint interim home for our nursery to allow for the once in a lifetime £120m re-development of our Maudsley Hospital campus. We will be building a brand-new nursery as part of the new development. Find out more
6. What benefit are these proposals going have for the local Camberwell community?
We are also providing 187 much-needed houses including 50 per cent affordable housing across the site, which will include 70 per cent of the affordable homes being made available for social rent and 30 per cent made available below market levels. More information about these affordable homes is detailed in question 11.
As part of these proposals, and for the Maudsley Hospital site, we want to see the hospital become a much more green, inclusive and accessible site. In total there will be 3,000sq m of landscaped amenity space with integral play space.
These proposals tie in with the surrounding site and our vision to introduce a ‘green walkway’ which will run from Denmark Hill to Grove Lane.
A key public North-South pedestrian route will also be provided on the east of the site to better connect De Crespigny Park to the wider Maudsley Campus and Denmark Hill Station.
The proposed buildings on De Crespigny Park create a more unified residential street frontage, set back from the street and in keeping with the characteristics of the conservation area.
We will also be providing over 500 secure weatherproof cycle bays.
7. What are the benefits to patients in Southwark?
The child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS) which mainly occupy Mapother House and the Michael Rutter Centre are due to relocate into a proposed new Pears Maudsley Centre for Children and Young People and elsewhere on the Trust’s estate.
New Douglas Bennett House when completed, will have eight modern new, adult inpatient wards. These have been designed by patients, carers, clinicians and specialist architects working together to create a modern fit for purpose wards, and a much-improved environment for patients and staff.
This change is part of our clinical vision to provide care closer to home and ensure that inpatient care is for those who really need it. Where people do require inpatient care, we want to be able to provide it in high quality facilities which aid recovery.
We want to improve access to local Southwark services through community services and outreach programmes to ensure that we capitalise on the growing awareness of wellbeing and create a real step change in mental health care. (E.g. building on and expanding the successful DISCOVER schools programme.)
We are also aiming to use digital technology better to understand and track how our services and programmes help to improve people’s lives on a bigger scale, meaning that we can understand what works and what doesn’t work.
8. Service users have a right to privacy and dignity, why do the public need access to Maudsley Site?
The need for dedicated public access routes was a requirement of Southwark Planning Department as this will provide better access to transport links for people living and working in Camberwell and Denmark Hill. Whilst every effort will be made to design the landscaping to consider the need for privacy, dignity and safety for our service users and carers. Use of the space could help destigmatise mental health services in the eyes of the wider public.
9. You mentioned being aware of a tension between the needs of the public access to the site and the needs of Trust service users. What are you doing to address this?
The Director of Estates is commissioning landscape architects to work with interested services users and carers to design outside space. This will be done through several workshops.
10. When do you intend on submitting a planning application?
A planning application was submitted to London Borough of Southwark in September 2020 with an amended submission in March 2021. Southwark Council’s Planning Committee voted in favour of the scheme on Tuesday 5th October 2021.
11. Is the plan for the Trust to gain planning permission and sell the site to a developer or will they engage a developer and retain ownership of the site?
The Trust is looking at options for retaining some ownership of a proportion of the development for the long term, this is balanced against the need to realise capital receipts from the development to support the new clinical facilities at Maudsley Hospital.
Section 2: Housing
12. What is the affordable housing provision?
This site will deliver 50 per cent affordable housing. All the proposals for the site are in line with the Council’s affordable housing policies.
We are working very closely with the Council to ensure that this site delivers a suitable amount of housing, including affordable housing, which will help the Council meet their housing targets.
The 50 per cent affordable housing provision will be split in the following way:
70% of the affordable homes will be made available for social rent which means that those people on the Council’s social housing waiting list will be eligible for these homes. A registered social landlord (RSL) will manage how these homes are allocated.
30% of the affordable homes will be for sale and/or rent at a cost above social rent, but below market levels. For example, this could include shared ownership options.
13. How many family units will there be?
In total there will be over 120 two and three-bedroom homes in the development.
The affordable housing will include a mix of one, two- and three-bedrooms homes including over 60 two-bed and three-bed family homes.
It is important to note that the proposals are fully compliant with Southwark Council’s housing policies, including in terms of the number of family units being provided.
14. How much will the private housing units be sold for?
At this stage we are not able to say how much the private housing will be sold for. However, when the development moves to the construction phase the pricing will be reflective of the comparable properties in the local area to help secure the capital receipts needed to fund the new clinical facilities being built at Maudsley Hospital.
15. Will any of the housing be available for key workers?
Feedback received from individuals and local groups, asked if any of the proposed homes would be set aside for keyworkers. It is not possible to ring-fence/allocate homes for key workers. However, 50 per cent of the new homes will be affordable and a significant number (170) will be available at a social rent through the council waiting lists.
The Trust will ensure our local key worker staff are made aware of the availability of the affordable housing on the scheme.
Section 3: Transport
16. Will new residents of the proposed development be able to apply for a street parking permit from Southwark?
The development will be car-free, given its high level of accessibility by public transport, which means that there will be no car parking spaces included as part of the proposals. Therefore, only registered disabled residents will be able to apply for an on-street permit.
This is in line with the transport policies set out by both Southwark Council and the GLA which specify that new developments that are well-connected by public transport should be car-free. The idea is to reduce traffic congestion, reduce air pollution and better manage the limited amount of space available for on-street parking.
By living in a car-free property, residents will need to agree to certain terms. They would be unable to apply for an on-street parking permits and this would be built into the planning permission if approved by Southwark Council. To support and promote no car ownership, new residents will be offered membership to the local car club for those journeys that need to be made by car.
17. Will you be prevented from owning a car if you live on the development?
It is not possible to prevent those residents living in the development from owning a car, however, car ownership is impractical because residents would have nowhere to park a car.
This is because there will be no car parking spaces (except for disabled spaces) as part of the development and residents of this development will not be eligible for a parking permit for the surrounding streets. The area is a Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) meaning that for the bulk of the day you can’t park on the street without a permit, which they would not be allowed to get.
It is important to remember that there would be access to car clubs for residents and the area has excellent links to public transport.
18. What transport assessments have been done to assess the impact on local roads and public transport?
A thorough transport assessment has been conducted as part of the planning application which will be included when the application is submitted. Once submitted it will be possible to view the transport assessment via the Council’s planning portal. The assessment is based on the traffic movements for the area. Part of the amended planning application are proposals of bus stop enhancements, provision of disabled car parking, cycle parking and traffic calming on De Crespigny Park.
19. Can we have access to the data on transportation?
The transport assessment undertaken as part of the proposed development has been submitted as part of the planning application to Southwark Council.
20. How many cycle spaces will be provided as part of these proposals?
Our proposals will be in line with the New Southwark Plan which indicates there should be one cycle space per dwelling, plus one per bedroom and an additional one visitor space per ten dwellings. This will be confirmed as part of our planning application once it has been submitted. This essentially works out approximately 530 spaces across the site.
21. There are proposals to reduce resident parking spaces on De Crespigny Park due to changes in yellow lines and plans that parking spaces will be lost in the development for Trust staff, who will be required to use a public car park. Where will the provision be for a car club scheme?
We’ve been made aware there may be changes to the yellow lines, this sits outside of the application site and is therefore outside of our control. The site is well served by public transport, with a PTAL rating of 6a, Excellent. Staff parking is provided elsewhere on the campus.
Newer, smarter ways of working will reduce the need for staff to be physically in the buildings to carry out their functions and therefore will reduce the need for staff parking places. Discussions have been had with existing car clubs in the area and there is enough capacity that a new space is not required.
Section 4: Environment and Sustainability
22. Will the new public spaces be open to all residents in the area?
Whilst initially there was a proposal to try and provide some public access through the scheme, the strong advice we received from Southwark was that this would impact too significantly on the security of the space for the residents living here if it was fully accessible to all.
The proposed communal landscaped areas will therefore be for use by the residents and their visitors and be interwoven with play and amenity spaces to be enjoyed by all ages. Our landscape architects have designed the external spaces to promote and foster positive mental health and well-being through the features and planting.
The existing environment on De Crespigny Park will also be improved with new street tree planting, boundary treatment and ground level planting. The existing mature trees, which are part of the positive character of the Conservation Area, will be retained in the development.
In addition, there will be a public route which opens the site on the eastern boundary and allows a safe, accessible and convenient link to and from De Crespigny Park to Denmark Hill station.
23. What measures will you be putting in place to maintain the new public spaces, especially regular tree care where trees on the site impinge/affect neighbouring properties?
Maintenance of the new landscape spaces will be managed through a site-wide management and maintenance plan and regime. This will include long term care of the existing trees which we are looking to retain on the street and in the woodland at the south of the site.
24. What is the expected environmental impact of the development and how will this be mitigated?
The Trust has worked closely with its advisers to ensure that reducing embodied and operation carbon emission is front and centre of the design strategy these development proposals. Numerous measures will be taken to ensure the impact from the development on the environment is minimised.
Passive and energy efficient measures shall be considered in line with the GLA energy planning guidance and LETI Climate Change Design Guide, these include:
Significantly improved Air Permeability targets;
Enhanced glazing specification in accordance with daylighting and overheating requirements;
- Low targets for annual energy use through improved building fabric and form;
- Provision of energy display devices so occupants can monitor their energy use;
- The provision of energy efficient lighting and display lighting;
- Photoelectric sensor controls within communal and circulation areas of the building;
- Time and temperature zone control;
- Energy and Water metering and submetering in all appropriate areas;
- Overheating analysis to avoid overheating risk through passive measures without the reliance on mechanical cooling.
The following renewable energy technologies shall be considered within the development, in line with the GLA energy planning guidance and LETI Climate Change Design Guide: Central Air Source Heat Pump (ASHP) plants to provide heating and hot water requirements of the development this will provide carbon savings in excess of the minimum requirement of 35% required under the Part L Building Regulations.
This will enable the provision for the development to become zero carbon as the grid decarbonises;
- High efficiency Mechanical Ventilation with Heat Recovery (MVHR) to provide ventilation requirements to areas where required;
- Photovoltaic Panels at roof level where appropriate.
Other sustainability initiatives included for within the design of the development include:
- The use of construction materials that are responsibly and sustainably sources;
- Embodied carbon consideration to construction materials, sourced locally where viable;
- Future functional and climate change consideration incorporated into the design;
- Consideration to Life Cycle Analysis of key building fabric and Mechanical and Electrical items;
- The ‘future proofing’ of the heat network to allow for a future connection to a district heating network;
- The provision of cycle storage for building users;
- Electric Vehicle Charging points;
- The fit-out works will provide for sanitary fittings which will be water efficient through measures such as dual flush toilets and low flow taps;
- Green roof provision.
25. Denmark Hill is one of the busiest stations in London, another development will increase capacity and footfall to the site- how is this going to be managed?
The application site has a Public Transport Accessibility Level (PTAL) rating of 6a, with an excellent range of public transport options available to it. These include, trains, the underground and buses.
The Transport Assessment concluded that the proposed scheme of 187 residential units, will have an insignificant impact on these services, including Denmark Hill Station. There will be a range of needs across those 187 units, not everyone will travel at the same time or use the same mode of transport.
The scheme will provide over 500 cycle spaces for residents and several incentives will be offered to encourage residents to cycle, further reducing the impact on public transport.
Section 5: Local environment and sustainability
26. When will construction begin?
The anticipated construction start is Spring 2024 (subject to planning permission).
27. This is a busy hospital site, how are you going to manage construction so it is not too much of a disruption?
As part of our planning application a Construction and Environmental Management Plan will be submitted to Southwark Council. This will outline the numerous measures which we will undertake during construction in order to mitigate disruption to neighbours and the surrounding area. Strict environmental controls relating to construction generated dust and noise will be in place and a secure site boundary will always be maintained.
The site will be registered with the Considerate Constructors Scheme meaning that there are rules and regulations that will need to be adhered to during construction, including recognised construction working hours. These will be strictly controlled and any work outside of these hours will be agreed in advance.
There will also be an identified point of contact during the construction process for residents to contact if they do have any concerns or problems.
Construction traffic will be managed in accordance with a Construction Traffic Management Plan which will be submitted as part of the planning application to Southwark Council.
28. What will be done with any feedback you are given by Trust staff and the local community?
We will be capturing all the feedback we receive and discussing this with our design team, and where possible taking this on board as we develop the plans.
All feedback will be recorded in a Statement of Community Involvement, which will be submitted as part of the planning application. This feedback will inform our proposals as we prepare our planning application.
29. How have you been engaging with the London Borough of Southwark?
The scheme has gone through a robust pre-application process with comments taken on board from Southwark Council and the GLA.
We’ve written to and offered meetings with several key local spokespeople, including the ward councillors for St Giles ward where the site is located and the neighbouring wards.
We have also written to other local stakeholder groups and we welcome the opportunity to hold further meetings with any local groups or individuals who would find this useful.
30. Has the Designated Conservation Area been considered?
The development proposals are considered based on whether they preserve and enhance the character and appearance of the Conservation Area. SLaM has responded to feedback and made changes to the proposed work: from white to a buff brick on the central building facing the North-South link. We believe the proposal is sympathetic with the neighbouring area.
A graphic of the proposed development in context with the neighbouring buildings and homes is shown below.
The image below shows the section of the proposal in grey with the heights of each proposed level in black. The level heights are consistent for each block. The existing building and spot heights are shown in red.
Section 6: Covid-19 and face-to-face meetings
31. Why are you only holding community events online?
We are committed to hearing from as many voices in our community as possible. However, it is currently illegal to hold an in-person meeting with local community representatives. We are currently under Step 2 of The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (Steps) (England) Regulations 2021 which states:
No person may participate in a gathering in the Step 2 area which:
(a) consists of two or more people, and
(b) takes place indoors.
Under Step 3 of the Roadmap out of lockdown, which will not come into force before 17 May, indoor gatherings of up to six people are permitted to take place. However, it will not be until Step 4, which will not come into force before 21 June, that we will be able to consider hosting open in person public meetings.
Local authorities in England have a legal requirement to hold public meetings in person. From 4 April 2020, the government temporarily removed this legal requirement, allowing local authorities to hold public meetings virtually using video or telephone conferencing technology.
The government has signalled its intention to reinstate the legal requirement on local authorities to hold in person public meetings from 7 May 2021.
The legislation that governs local authorities in this way does not apply to NHS Trusts.
32. How can we contact you/make further enquires?
We welcome your constructive and open conversation; your feedback is important to us.
You can share your feedback by emailing;
The Capital Projects & Modernisation Programme Communications Team: