
In our Aiming High; Changing Lives strategy 2021-2026 we set out our strategic ambition towards becoming an effective and sustainable organisation. Under this ambition we made a commitment to take significant steps towards ‘net zero’ carbon emissions and make a positive contribution to our environment.

South London and Maudsley recognises the environmental, financial and social benefits that our sustainable ambition could bring to the people in the communities we serve. Moving towards a more sustainable ways of delivering care will also have meaningful health impacts. As a National Health Service climate change affects much of the work we do. People are dealing with climate anxiety, and pollution is having a substantial impact on our population's health. We can improve the general health and wellbeing of the people in our community by working towards our sustainable goals.

Our Green Plan

On 1 July 2022, the NHS became the first health system to embed net zero into legislation and placed duties on NHS bodies - including foundation trusts - to contribute towards statutory emissions and environmental targets.

The South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust Green Plan was published to support the NHS net zero ambition. The plan is fully endorsed and supported by the Trust Board. In the Green Plan we set out our aims, objectives, and delivery plans for carbon reduction. With this plan we want to become a recognised leader in the provision of sustainable mental healthcare services.

We believe that we can make changes; our effort is not small! With a staff population of over 5,000 serving a local population of 1.3 million people, we believe we can work together to reach our sustainable objectives.

Read our Green Plan 2022-2027 [pdf] 3MB