Community Engagement: Southwark Sessions

Following amendments by South London & Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust a planning application has been re-submitted for a development on De Crespigny Park. Update: In October 2021, Southwark Council's Planning Committee voted in favour of the scheme - application (Ref: 20/AP/2768)

In the meantime, we wanted to continue engaging with the community.

Southwark Community Events:

Due to the current Covid-19 restrictions we were unable to hold an in-person event. We wanted to provide residents with further opportunities to speak with the project team through a Zoom event, which was held on Thursday 29th April at 6pm

Thank you to all those who were able to attend. 

As mentioned in the event, we have made the De Crespigny Park presentation, available for those who attended and those who were unable to make the events. 

Download 'The Future of De Crespigny Park [pdf]