Our Care Process Models

Co-designed with service users, carers and staff, our Care Process Models (CPMs) are being introduced across our Trust, making the working lives of colleagues easier, and ensuring that people who access our services experience the same levels of right care, no matter which borough they live in, or which service they are under.   

Our Care Process Models outline standards of best practice that should be provided at each stage of someone’s time under the care of a team, drawing on existing operational policies, standards and guidelines. 

CPMs help people who access our services navigate the system by being transparent about our processes. This is to ensure that a patient’s experience and recovery journey is structured, purposeful, collaborative, safe and compassionate taking into account complex needs and harm minimisation.

Read more about our Care Process Models.[pdf]

Why is our Trust developing Care Process Models?

Our Trust is developing Care Process Models (CPMs) in recognition of the variation in the quality of care and outcomes for people who use our services, including hospital length of stay and waiting times in the community.

How do we care for service users and carers from start to finish?