Trust news
Press releases
You are invited to join our next Our Strategy in Action event and Annual Members Meeting. At the event, you’ll hear the latest developments about how we’re delivering our strategy Aiming H...
We are inviting South East Londoners to join us for a special online event on World Suicide Prevention Day. The event aims to raise awareness and prevent further loss of life by suicide. ...
Trust news
The Maudsley Blog
On September 10th, over 120 people joined the online World Suicide Prevention Day Conference 2024 with many attendees sharing their gratitude at the end of the event. The was our 6th annual eve...
Join our Lambeth team to transform mental health care and make a lasting impact. Attend our recruitment open day on 16th October to explore exciting roles in mental health services....
Featured video
Media enquiries
We aim to actively promote awareness and understanding around mental health conditions and give a well-informed and balanced account of what we do, within the boundaries of our duty of confidentiality.
Please contact us with any requests for information or expert insight into mental health issues. We have a duty to our patients and colleagues, and reserve the right to decline media requests if there is any potential conflict with the interests of the organisation.
You can reach us during office hours on 020 3228 2963 or via
For urgent out-of-hours requests please contact the switchboard on 020 3228 6000 and you will be put through to a member of the Communications Team.
Requests for photography and filming
If you are a patient or visitor in one of our sites, please respect the privacy and dignity of our patients and do not take photos.
We often receive requests to film or take photos on our sites from film crews or professional photographers. All requests must be made through the Communications Team and a member of the team will accompany you for the duration of the shoot.
Media guidelines on reporting suicide and self-harm
Samaritans provide support to anyone in emotional distress, struggling to cope, or at risk of suicide. They have created created a resources hub with advice on how to safely cover suicide and self-harm in the media.