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Infection control

We are committed to protecting patients, staff and visitors from the risk of health care associated infections.


Our staff, patients and visitors are all expected to follow guidance on social distancing, mask wearing and testing while they are in our hospitals or community settings. 

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Health care associated infections

Health care associated infections are infections acquired in hospitals, or as a result of healthcare treatments. Examples include diarrhoea, vomiting, MRSA and Clostridium difficile.

Everyone has a role in reducing the spread of infection. It is important that patients, staff and visitors work together to reduce the risk of infections and to maintain a clean and safe hospital environment.

As a patient you can help by

  • Washing your hands carefully with soap and water after using the toilet and before meals (staff should also wash their hands before having direct contact with you)
  • Only bringing essential items of property when coming into hospitalKeeping your room / bed-space tidy and uncluttered so that domestic staff can clean more easily
  • Making sure personal toiletries are for your use only, and are stored in your room avoid using bars of soap - use the provided liquid soap instead
  • Expecting your room to be cleaned daily
  • Telling the nurse in charge if you are concerned about cleanliness
  • Let staff know immediately if you have diarrhoea or vomiting

As a visitor you can help by

  • Washing your hands before and after visiting use alcohol hand-gel where available
  • Avoid visiting if you are unwell, try to keep your visits to a minimum if there is an outbreak of diarrhoea and vomiting on the ward you are visiting - the Ward staff will advise you
  • Not bringing food into the ward without arranging this with the nurse in charge
  • Telling the nurse in charge if you are concerned about cleanliness