Consent for Contact (C4C) is SLaM's research register which is an opportunity for service-users who are interested in taking part in research to hear about studies they are eligible for.
In consenting to the register, service-users are saying “Yes” to researchers looking at their healthcare records and then being contacted by a researcher about the specific study the researcher is conducting. By accessing your records, researchers can check if you might be suitable for a specific research study based on different aspects of your health, for example, your symptoms or your medication. Researchers would most likely contact you by mobile phone or by email to ask if you want to take part in their study. All researchers are approved by, or work for SLaM services.
You can say how you would like to be contacted and what sort of research you want to get involved in. You do not have to consent to any study and do not need to provide a reason for why you may not want to take part. Whether you sign up for the Consent for Contact register or not, your care will not be affected in any way. You can opt-out of the Consent for Contact register at any time if you no longer wish to be on it.
If you would like to know more information, please look at the leaflets below, contact your main clinician or contact the Consent for Contact team at