We publish information about our Trust following the publication scheme approved by the Information Commissioner's Office.
This publication scheme commits the Trust to make information available to the public as part of its normal business activities. The information covered is classed in to seven categories, where this information is held by the Trust.
What we spend and how we spend it
Annual statement of accounts
A summary of the Trust's financial accounts is included in our Annual Report.
Budget reports
Financial reports to the Trust board can be found in our Trust Board papers.
Financial audit report
Annual management report to the Board can be found in our Trust Board papers (September).
Standing financial instructions
This is included in the Trust's Annual Report.
Capital programme
Trust Capital Programme can be found in our Trust Board papers.
Staff pay scales
You can view the Agenda for Change pay scales and the medical pay scales on the NHS Employers website.
Procurement and tendering procedures
The Trust's procurement service is now part of the SmartTogether shared service.
Details of contracts currently being tendered
Tenders Electronics Daily (TED) provides free and up-to-date access to public procurement notices from the European Union, the European Economic Area and beyond.
You can contact the Information Governance Office for a list of contracts awarded.
What our priorities are and how we are doing
Annual report
Read our annual reports.
Targets, aims and objectives
Annual health check documents are available on the CQC website.
Strategic direction
Read Aiming High; Changing Lives - our strategy 2021-2026
Performance against targets
Performance reports are regularly presented to the Trust Board.
Audit reports
Audit reports are presented to the Trust Board.
Service user surveys
National Patient Survey benchmark reports are available on the CQC website.
Lists and registers
Services we offer
A guide to our clinical services can be found in Services.
Lists and registers
If you have queries about publicly available registers, such as list of main contractors, asset registers, register of interests, disclosure logs that the Trust is legally required to hold, please email the Information Governance Office
Data Protection Impact Assessments
Copies of Data Protection Impact Assessment can be provide on request by emailing the Information Governance Office via informationgovernance@slam.nhs.uk
Patient information