Lambeth Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS)

We provide a service to children, young people and families that live in the London borough of Lambeth. Our services are based at several sites within the community across the borough.
Support for children and young people who are experiencing a mental health crisis, and those with severe and complex mental health needs.
Assessment, treatment and care for young people, aged 0-18, who have moderate to severe mental health difficulties.
Short term interventions for those with low risk mental health and behavioural difficulties, and those experiencing issues for the first time.
The Lambeth CAMHS Mental Health Support Team (MHST) offers early intervention support to children and young people who are experiencing mild to moderate mental health issues.
Support for young people known to the Lambeth Council Youth Offending Service (YOS) who have mental health difficulties.
Assessment and treatment for children and young people in the care of the London Borough of Lambeth.
Help for parents who may be feeling overwhelmed, feel a dip in confidence, and struggle with new responsibilities.
William Geoffrey House
35 Black Prince Road
SE11 6JJ
Monday-Friday, 9am to 5pm. During term-time, a weekly Late Clinic is operational on a Monday evening, from 5pm to 7pm.
Rapids has a duty/on-call clinician who can respond to unexpected emergencies and provide quick responses or offer emergency consultations to staff members in other parts of the service. When we receive a referral we will assess the level of risk to the child or young person and determine the need for intervention. If appropriate, we are usually able to see urgent presentations within one day.
We offer support to children and young people who are experiencing a mental health crisis, or those with severe and complex mental health needs who may require more intensive support. Where possible, we try to keep young people out of hospital and ensure their care and treatment are delivered in the community.
We offer a range of multidisciplinary interventions which include:
The team also has a Social Worker who, in addition to providing clinical interventions for children and young people, also offers support in managing complex safeguarding issues.
Child and Adolescent Paediatric Liason Service
St Thomas' Hosptial
2nd Floor Gassiot House
Westminster Bridge Road