We work in partnership with other organisations to help us achieve our vision of improving the lives of the people and communities we serve.
King's Health Partners (KHP)
We are part of King’s Health Partners Academic Health Sciences Centre alongside King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, King's College London university, and Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust.
King’s Health Partners brings together 46,000 NHS staff with 31,000 students and academics, to translate cutting-edge research into excellent patient care through world-class education and training.
Visit King’s Health Partners
South London Mental Health and Community Partnership
South London Mental Health and Community Partnership is a collaboration between the three mental health trusts in south London to enhance patient care via improved ways of working that incorporate clinical leadership and innovation, greater patient and carer involvement and the continued development of a highly skilled and compassionate workforce.
Maudsley Charity
Maudsley Charity is the largest NHS mental health charity in the UK. They work in partnership with us and King's College London's Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience to promote positive change in the world of mental health.
Maudsley Charity support innovation, research and service improvement, working with patients and families, clinical care teams, researchers and community organisations with a common goal of improving mental health.
Maudsley Health
Maudsley Health is our collaboration with MACANI Medical Centre in Abu Dhabi, bringing the highest quality mental health services to the Middle East.
The collaboration began in 2013, with a child and adolescent mental health service opening in 2015, followed by adult mental health services in 2017. Since 2018, Maudsley Health has been providing services in Dubai in partnership with Emirates Health Services.
Maudsley Learning

Maudsley Learning is our education and training arm whose mission it is to produce the highest quality mental health and wellbeing education and training products.
Their courses for health professionals, social services, policing, schools and the private sector are delivered by our renowned mental health experts and academics at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience.
Our research partners

Research is at the heart of improving clinical care, which is why we work closely with several partners to study and develop ground breaking new treatments and improved services.