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South London and Maudsley Library

The South London and Maudsley Library (formerly known as Reay House Library) serves staff and students on placement, supporting clinical practice, education, research and management decision-making. 

South London and Maudsley staff and students are also able to find more extensive information and links to resources on the library pages on Maud (our intranet). 

Search the library catalogue

Library services

  • Book loans including by post
  • e-books, e-journals and other e-resources
  • Document supply and inter-library loans
  • Literature and evidence searches
  • Personalised research publication alerting
  • Information search skills training

Benefits of membership

  • Borrow up to ten items at a time
  • Interlibrary loans
  • Make use of the full range of online resources
  • Receive research skills support including information literacy training
  • Request literature searches to support patient care and service delivery
  • KnowledgeShare personalised current awareness alerting service

Join our library

Online Journal Club

If you would like to run a journal club with Microsoft Teams, here’s what you need to do:

  • Tell us the subject area of the journal club
  • Let us know who, or which staff groups, to invite
  • Provide the facilitation of the session

The library can do the following for you:

  • Set up the journal club on Teams
  • Carry out communications to your desired contacts
  • Upload and/or circulate relevant documents, for example papers for discussion, critical appraisal checklists 

Get in touch by email via library@slam.nhs.uk