About Us

About our Quality Centre

We collaborate with clinical, academic, users of our services and carers, quality improvement, operational, governance and commissioning leads - we define, test, implement and continuously improve a Maudsley model of clinical care using evidence-based planning and a shared methodology and process. 

Core principles of the Quality Centre

The Three Cs:

Consultation, Co-design and Co-production

We will involve service users, carers and staff in everything we do.


We will strive for equity of access, experience and outcomes across the populations we serve, including a specific focus on Black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) and socially disenfranchised groups

Engagement and shared learning:

To create a system of shared working and information flow throughout our networks


We will use consistent methodology driven by data intelligence to improve our value-based offer of care, evaluated by our clinical outcomes, service userand carer experience, staff experience, cost and sustainability

The strategic direction for the Quality Centre aligns with the Trust’s overarching Aiming High; Changing Lives, and its five strategic ambitions:

  1. Deliver outstanding mental health care.
  2. Be a partner in prevention.
  3. Be a catalyst for change. 
  4. Build a culture of trust together.
  5. Become effective and sustainable.


Within the Quality Centre sits:

  • Clinical academic groups
  • Research
  • Quality improvement and organisational development
  • Education and training
  • Commissioning
  • Improvement analytics
  • Digital innovation