New Douglas Bennett House

New Douglas Bennett House

Opening in 2025

New Douglas Bennett House is a modern eight-ward inpatient facility for adult wards currently at Lambeth Hospital as well as the Eating Disorder Unit and Neuropsychiatry Unit, currently at the Bethlem Royal Hosptial. It offers a modern and improved environment for service users to recover and staff to deliver the best care possible. 



Benefits include:

  • Purpose-built, specially configured wards, designed for service users’ needs;
  • Individual, ensuite bathrooms for bedrooms and more assisted bathrooms available;
  • Direct, unsupervised access to large balconies, a roof garden or courtyards landscaped with trees, seating and raised beds for therapeutic gardening;
  • Better sightlines within wards to help people feel safe
  • Digital innovation to improve entry to, and exit from, bedrooms and other areas to ensure people using our services have more control over their personal space
  • Specifically allocated private office and lounge spaces for staff; and
  • A more therapeutic environment with access to a range of therapy and treatment rooms, quiet rooms, family rooms and multifaith spaces.

Renaming Douglas Bennett House

The Trust wanted to know what name would be the most meaningful to our staff and the communities we serve.

Following an extensive consultation with patients, carers, staff and members of the public a permanent name was agreed, New Douglas Bennett House. It recognised the heritage of the wards of Lambeth Hospital. To that end, the names of the Lambeth wards will not change.

The new building will replace a building that once stood on the site - Douglas Bennett House - named after Dr Douglas Bennett (1918-1997) a consultant psychiatrist at Maudsley Hospital, from 1962 until he retired he pioneered long-term care and rehabilitation services.  


Meet New Douglas Bennett House

Frequently Asked Questions

Created from feedback by our staff, service users and carers and externally with our partners, members of the public, nearby residents and members of the local councils. 

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Public Spaces

Our landscape architects have designed the external spaces to promote and foster positive mental health and well-being through the features and planting.

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Community Engagement

We held commnity engagement opportunities to provide further opportunities for local people to speak with the project team.


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