The feedback we receive from people who use our services, and their carers, family and friends is really important to us. We use your feedback to learn about what we are doing well and what we can do to improve.
There are a number of ways you can tell us about your experiences:
Talk to us
Talk to a member of staff involved in your care. An important part of their job is to listen to what you have to say and to try to respond to any concerns you may have.
Contact our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS). They can help resolve concerns or problems before they become serious. They can also pass on complaints and suggestions.
Patient advice and liaison service (PALS)
If you are unhappy about the care you, or someone you know has received you can make a formal complaint
Complete a survey
Our survey questions have been co-produced with service users, family and carers, and staff to ensure that we ask about what is important to you. The surveys also include the national Friends and Family Test and a few questions to help us understand how different groups of people experience our services. You can read more about the Friends and Family Test on the NHS website.