What is the Capital Projects and Modernisation Programme?

What is the Capital Projects and Modernisation Programme?

Along with our partners, we are investing £186 million in a modernisation programme to improve our mental health services and facilities for local people.

Two new buildings on our Maudsley Hospital Campus, New Douglas Bennett House and the Pears Maudsley Centre for Children and Young People, will provide state-of-the-art facilities for our service users and our staff. These buildings will be replacing Lambeth Hospital on Landor Road, as well as three old buildings along De Crespigny Park road in Denmark Hill.

Pears Maudsley Centre

The Pears Maudsley Centre for Children & Young People

The centre will provide high-quality mental health services and facilities including inpatient, outpatient and crisis care. It will also bring together the Trust's CAMHS specialists and researchers from Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience (IoPPN) to work together to develop new ways of addressing the mental health and wellbeing challenges facing children and young people today.

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New Douglas Bennett House

New Douglas Bennett House

New Douglas Bennett House is a modern eight-ward inpatient facility for adult wards currently at Lambeth Hospital as well as the Eating Disorder and Neuropsychiatry Units currently at the Bethlem Royal Hospital. It will offer a modern, improved facility for service users to recover and staff to deliver the best care possible.

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Lambeth Hospital Site

Lambeth Hospital

Our plans include over 500 much needed new homes 50 per cent of which will be affordable, and a new community space. These new homes will help those on Lambeth Council’s waiting lists while providing investment in improving our services and facilities. 

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Team and Service Moves

As well as wards and teams moving into these new buildings, this programme also necessitates, a series of other moves around our estate. In all around 1,000 members of staff will be moving to a new team base.

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De Crespigny Park Redevelopment

De Crespigny Park 

There is an urgent need to redevelop our hospital facilities, as many of our buildings are old, in poor condition and not fit for purpose. The aim of this redevelopment is to reinvest back into our current and future hospital and community facilities while creating much needed new homes, for local people in Southwark.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Created from feedback by our staff, service users and carers and externally with our partners, members of the public, nearby residents and members of the local councils. 

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Public Spaces

Our landscape architects have designed the external spaces to promote and foster positive mental health and well-being through the features and planting.

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Community Engagement

We held commnity engagement opportunities to provide further opportunities for local people to speak with the project team.


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Partner Update:

This newsletter covers the latest developments in our strategic capital projects and modernisation programme.

Read the latest edition of Partner Update

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