Information for patients page - Banner

Information for patients

We are here to provide you with the right care, in the right place, at the right time and in the most appropriate setting. 

In this section you can find out what services we offer, the treatment and care you can expect to recieve from us as, well as how you can raise concerns or complaints.

Patient advice and liaison service

Contact our patient advice and liaison service (PALS) if you need any advice about our services.

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Information for carers

Find out about the advice and support we offer for families, friends and carers.

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Our services

Find out more about the range services we offer.

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Treatment and care

Fiind out about the wide range of treatments and care we provide for all kinds of mental health conditions.

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Crisis support

If you need help urgently please visit our crisis support page.

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Concerns or complaints

If you have concerns or complaints about the service you, or someone you know has received find out how to let us know.

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Advocacy services

Advocacy services provide free and independent help for patients to get their voices heard in decisions about their treatment and care.

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Patient leaflets

Get downloadable leaflets and booklets in our patient leaflets section.

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Jargon buster

Common mental health and medical terms explained in an easy to understand way.

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