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Photo of Dr Claire Tobin

Dr Claire Tobin

Job title Clinical Psychologist

Dr Claire Tobin is a Clinical Psychologist who has dedicated her clinical work to helping people who have experienced trauma in their lives and/or adverse early experiences. She has worked across a variety of NHS services including prisons and community settings, before joining the Trauma and Dissociation Service.

Prior to completing her Doctorate in Clinical Psychology in 2013, Claire completed a BA in Psychology at Trinity College, Dublin, and an MSc in the Foundations of Clinical Psychology at Bangor University. She has undertaken post-qualification training in a number of therapeutic models including Mentalisation-based Treatment (MBT), Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) and Schema Therapy (including Group Schema Therapy). She is an accredited practitioner of MBT with the British Psychoanalytic Council. She enjoys offering specialist psychological assessment, individual therapy, and has a particular passion for facilitating group-based interventions.

In addition to her clinical work she has experience in delivering training and lectures on attachment, group therapy, and schema therapy. She has also tutored and supervised trainee Clinical Psychologists at the Institute of Psychology, Psychiatry and Neuroscience (IoPPN) for several years. She has published a number of scientific and academic articles.


  • Jeffcote, N., Worsman, A., Tobin, C., & Scott, B. (2015) Progression and Progress: Establishing a Service in Prison for High-risk Men with Personality Disorders. In Jones, P. (Ed.) Interventions in Criminal Justice Volume 2, (95-112). London: Pavilion Publishing.
  • Braet, W., Johnson, K.A., Tobin, C.., Acheson, R., McDonnell, C., Hawi, Z., Barry, E., Mulligan, A., Gill, M., Bellgrove, M.A., Robertson, I.H., & Garavan, H. (2011) fMRI activation during response inhibition and error processing: the role of the DAT1 gene in typically developing adolescents and those diagnosed with ADHD. Neuropsychologia, 49, 1641-50.
  • Johnson K.A., Dáibhis A., Tobin C., Acheson R., Watchorn A., Mulligan A., Barry E., Bradshaw J.L., Gill M., Robertson I.H. (2009) Right-sided spatial difficulties in ADHD demonstrated in continuous movement control. Neuropsychologia, 48, 1255-64.
  • Braet, W., Johnson, K.A., Tobin, C., Acheson, R., Bellgrove, M.A., Robertson, I., Garavan, H. (2009) Functional developmental changes underlying response inhibition and error-detection processes. Neuropsychologia, 47, 3143-51.
  • Tobin, C., Hevey, D., Horgan, F., Coen, R. & Cunningham, C. (2008). Health-Related Quality of Life and Health Service Use Among Stroke Survivors Attending the Volunteer Stroke Scheme. Irish Journal of Medical Science 177:43-47
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