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Photo of Christopher Shoulder

Christopher Shoulder

Job title Peer Recovery Officer

As a former client at PICuP, Chris is well aware of how anxiety provoking it can be to attend the clinic. Peer Support at PICuP is aimed at providing an extra line of support for people referred to PICuP. Chris’ role, along with a team of Peer Supporters, is to inform, support and to help normalise the experience of people accessing the service. This includes recruiting and training volunteers who have had recent experience of receiving therapy at PICuP to support people who may be anxious about travelling alone to attend therapy by accompanying them to their sessions. Peer Supporters are also available to share their experience of therapy at PICuP with anyone who may be anxious or curious about what is involved in therapy.

For the last six years Chris has facilitated a very successful peer art group. Its aim is to increase social connectivity, promote mental wellbeing and to help build the confidence of attendees.

Chris also teaches at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience, focusing on his own experience of therapy, particularly Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Psychosis, and how to make it a more beneficial process for both client and therapist.

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