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Photo of Dr Quinton Deeley

Dr Quinton Deeley

Job title Consultant Neuropsychiatrist

Area of expertise

Dr Deeley specialises in the assessment and management of autistic spectrum disorders, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, learning disability, acquired brain injury,  and common mental health conditions. He has worked with patients across a range of settings, including secure hospital care, ‘step down’ open rehabilitation wards, supported living, and outpatient services.


Dr Deeley has contributed to the development of the National Autism Unit as a national and international teaching hospital supporting the training and education of visiting consultants; overseas medical elective students; UK medical, psychology, nursing, OT and social work trainees; and MSc students.

His educational role includes PhD supervision, undergraduate and postgraduate medical teaching, as well as teaching on MSc courses at the IoPPN, including Clinical Neurodevelopmental Sciences, Forensic Mental Health, and Neuroimaging.

He also teaches consultant psychiatrists about autism for the Royal College of Psychiatrists' Education and Teaching Unit. 

He is currently in the Autism Good Practice working group of College, representing the Faculty of Neuropsychiatry.

Dr Deeley is Chair of the Maudsley Philosophy Group, which promotes interdisciplinary dialogue about issues of relevance to psychiatry and mental health.

Education and training

  • BA/MA in Theology and Religious Studies (University of Cambridge, 1985/2000)
  • MBBS (University of London 1995)
  • MRCPsych (2000)
  • PhD in the Cognitive Neuroscience of Autism and Psychopathy (University of London 2009)


Dr Deeley has over 60 publications in a wide variety of fields spanning neurodevelopmental disorders, cognitive neuropsychiatry, and cultural neuroscience. You can view the list on the King's College London website.

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