Abnash Chauhan

abnash photo

(Abnash is in the middle of the photo)

Senior R&D Governance Facilitator, R&D Joint Office, South London and Maudsley and the IoPPN 

As a Senior R&D Governance Facilitator, a key part of my role is looking at how to set up and deliver research studies within the Trust. 

What’s your role? 

I’m the Senior Research and Development Facilitator. A key part of this role is the set up and delivery of research within South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust. This includes looking at how practical and achievable it will be to carry out different studies, providing support with national systems and guidelines, and making sure that all the correct processes are followed. 

What is your working day like? 

Due to the range of research proposals we receive, every day is different. I usually start my day with checking emails.  Then I have meetings to attend – these could be to discuss risk assessments or meet with research teams and clinical academic groups.    

I also manage a team of superb facilitators. I delegate work to them and ensure they are engaging in training. 

Who do you work with?  

I work with a pro-active and hard-working wider Research and Development team and individuals from the Trust, including clinicians and research staff. 

Why did you want to work in R&D, and at South London and Maudsley / IoPPN?  

I started my career as a Dietetic Assistant in both the private and public healthcare sector. After completing an MSc in Global Public Health, I discovered a new interest in research and development in healthcare. I was particularly interested in mental wellbeing and the unique position of the joint R&D office of South London and Maudsley and IoPPN meant I was still able to engage in both clinical and academic work. 

What does research mean to you? 

A hopeful tomorrow.