Empowering Hope: Carmen's Journey at Helix | Our blog

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Empowering Hope: Carmen's Journey at Helix

Today, we have the privilege of talking with Carmen, an Assistant Psychologist at Helix, a Maternal Mental Health Service dedicated to supporting individuals who have experienced pregnancy loss or the death of a baby. 

Role in Helix 

Carmen plays a vital role in the Helix team, where she contributes her expertise and compassion to support women and birthing people during their most vulnerable moments. She works alongside a team of dedicated professionals who share a common commitment to advocating for, empowering, and supporting individuals beyond their roles as patients. Carmen sees her clients as people first, recognising and valuing their life stories beyond their experiences of loss. 

"I'm proud to work with everyone in my team at Helix," Carmen shares.

We approach our work with a holistic perspective, prioritising the wellbeing and dignity of each individual we serve.

Memorable Moment 

One of Carmen's most memorable moments in her role was completing therapeutic work with one of her first clients. Despite being relatively new to clinical practice, Carmen felt supported by her team as she navigated this important milestone in her career. The client's feedback about feeling seen, safe, heard, and experiencing positive changes in her mental health affirmed Carmen's dedication to her work. Witnessing the client's journey from loss to finding joy and connection with her new rainbow baby was deeply rewarding for Carmen. 

Supporting Patients and Families 

In her role, Carmen provides individual and group therapy sessions, including specialised groups like the Pregnancy After Loss and Tree of Life group. She adopts a trauma informed approach and integrates compassion focused and strengths-based strategies to support her clients effectively. Beyond direct client care, Carmen advocates for equitable maternity care and oversees data management within the team, ensuring the delivery of high-quality, data-driven care. 

"I find great fulfilment in being able to support individuals and their families during such significant moments in their lives," Carmen explains.

Advocating for systemic change and ensuring access to inclusive services aligns with my personal values and adds depth to my role.

A Champion for Equality and Inclusion 

What Carmen enjoys most about her role is the opportunity to influence local policies, increase access to services for underrepresented communities, and champion equality, diversity, and inclusion. Her role at Helix allows her to align her professional expertise with her personal values, creating meaningful impact within the organisation and the broader community. 

"Every day, I'm grateful for the chance to make a difference in the lives of those we serve," Carmen reflects.

It's a privilege to be part of a team that values each person's journey and strives to create a more inclusive and supportive environment for all.

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