Meet Atika - Our Recruitment Attraction Officer | Our blog

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The Maudsley Blog

Meet Atika - Our Recruitment Attraction Officer

In this edition of our Staff Spotlight series , we're featuring our Recruitment Attraction Officer, Atika. With a passion for connecting people to fulfilling careers and a commitment to excellence in healthcare recruitment, she plays a pivotal role in attracting top talent to our Trust.  

Can you tell us about your current role and what you enjoy most about it?  

As a Recruitment Attraction Officer, my primary focus is to develop strategies that attract skilled and talented people to come and work for us . I enjoy connecting with passionate individuals, matching applicants with opportunities that suit their skills and aspirations, and experiencing the joy of helping people find fulfilling careers. There's nothing quite like the satisfaction of knowing you've played a part in someone’s professional journey.  

What inspired you to pursue a career in the health sector, and what brought you to South London and Maudsley? 

My inspiration to pursue a career in the health sector stemmed from the ' Clap for Our Carers'  initiative during the Covid-19 pandemic and w itnessing the profound impact healthcare professionals have on people's lives moved me deeply. South London and Maudsley’s commitment to excellence and community care further attracted me to join. I wanted to be part of an organi s ation that makes a difference in people's lives every day.  

What has been your most memorable achievement or moment during your time here?  

My most memorable moments have been attending outreach events at J ob C entre s and a special session for 50+ job seekers, as well as giving career talks at secondary schools. These experiences allowed me to give hope to older job seekers and inspire young minds about careers in the mental health sector. Seeing the excitement and potential in these individuals has been incredibly rewarding.  

What advice would you give to someone looking to start a career?  

My advice to anyone starting a career is to know what you want, be proactive, stay curious, and never give up. It’s important to have a clear vision of your goals, continuously seek out opportunities to learn, and remain resilient in the face of challenges.  

Can you share a fun fact about yourself that your colleagues might not know?  

A fun fact that my colleagues might not know is that I love Latin American music and am a passionate Zumba dancer. It's a fantastic way to stay active, have fun, and immerse myself in vibrant music and culture.  

If you are interested in joining Atika and joining our passionate team, visit our careers page.