Module 2: Developing Personal Resilience (a City & Guilds Assured programme).
Duration: One and a half days (Workshop 1 - 9.30am to 4pm. Workshop 2 - 9.30am to 1pm)
Next dates: Wednesday 9 July 2025 with half day follow up on Thursday 9th August
If you would like us to run this programme within your organisation, please email your request to
- To develop an understanding of the importance of personal and team resilience and how to develop this for ourselves and for others.
Target Audience

Target Audience
- Support Workers, Personal Assistants, Day Centre Workers, Junior Line Managers.
- For more experienced staff who support adults with learning disabilities and autism who are looking to develop their knowledge and skills into more advanced and specialist areas.
- Those with a good understanding of supporting adults with a learning disability or have completed our Module 1 course ‘Introduction to Supporting with Adults with a Learning Disability’.
Learning Outcomes
- Understand resilience and be able to describe the factors that impact and strengthen it.
- Be able to recognise our own leadership style.
- Develop our self-leader skills.
- Recognise the importance of reflective practice for greater self-awareness and self-regulation.
- Be able to describe the importance of reflective supervision in developing our resilience.
- Know how to receive and give effective feedback.
- Be able to implement strategies to develop our own resilience.
- Know how to define and protect our professional boundaries.
- Develop and utilise a 'Wellness Action Plan'.
- Identify strategies to develop our personal resilience.
Content: Workshop 1
- What do we mean by resilience
- Self-leadership
- Stress, its triggers and impact.
- The role of reflective practice and reflective supervision
- Identifying and maintaining our professional boundaries.
- Debriefing after challenging situations.
Content: Workshop 2
- Review of workshop 1 workbook and learners' workplace challenges.
- Emotional Intelligence.
- The psychological contract.
- To reflect on the experience of engaging in this training.
This traning was very good, and I enjoyed it very much. The course is helpful and relevant to my job as it helped me focus on the importance of having to reflect on my personal resilience and how I react at work. All staff should do this course.
City & Guilds Course Requirements
In addition to attending all workshops, participants will be required to complete and submit all the following learning activities on Oracle, our virtual learning environment in order to successfully complete the course:
- Develop a self-identified action plan at the end of first workshop.
- Work towards achieving their action plan goal during the month before the final workshop.
- Complete and submit assigned workbook exercises before the final workshop. This will include you completing an ABC chart for someone you support.
- Complete and submit a reflective exercise at the end of the final workshop.
Book Course
Not for profit organisations in Lambeth, Lewisham or Southwark and SLaM NHS or GSTT NHS staff
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All other learners
On booking a place on this training programme, you will be directed to Estia Oracle, our new virtual learning environment where you can access workshop information, learning materials and resources. If you would like to book multiple places for this course please email