Module 2: Supporting the Mental Health and Mental Wellbeing of Adults with a Learning Disability (Advanced) - a City & Guilds Assured programme.
Duration: Two and a half days (Workshops 1 & 2 - 9.30am to 4pm. Workshop 3 (online) - 9.30am to 1pm)
Next dates: TBC
If you would like us to run this programme within your organisation, please email your request to
- To provide participants with more in depth understanding of the mental health needs of adults with a learning disability and how to positively support them with their mental wellbeing.

Target Audience
- Anyone who provides support for adults with a learning disability.
- Participants should have attended the introduction to mental health & wellbeing for adults with a learning disability course within 12-18 months of attending this workshop.
Learning Outcomes
- Be able to describe the differences between mental wellbeing, mental health and mental illness.
- Classify factors which make people vulnerable to developing a mental illness using the bio-psycho-social model.
- Describe strategies to support the mental health and wellbeing of people with learning disabilities.
- Recognise the signs and symptoms of commonly known mental illnesses and how they affect people with learning disabilities.
- Demonstrate the importance of social care support when facilitating the recovery process.
- Examine the support worker’s role when supporting someone before during and after a mental health hospital admission.
- Identify effective strategies for supporting someone with a learning disability and mental illness.
- Recognise the possible negative side effects of mental health medication.
- Examine the impact of using medication to manage behaviours that challenge.
- Implement actions to improve the mental health and wellbeing of adults with a learning disability.
Content: Workshops 1 & 2
- Mental wellbeing
- Mental health
- Prevalence of mental illness – general population, gender differences. the learning disability population.
- Vulnerability factors (bio-psycho-social model)
- The recovery model and process
- Supporting good mental health
- Common diagnosis (depression, anxiety disorder, psychosis, personality disorders, bipolar disorder.
Content: Workshop 3
- Role of Support Workers
- Assessments
- Risks
- Mental Health Legislation
- Medications and their possible side effects
- Positive Behaviour Support
- Psychological Therapies
- Local Services
I really enjoyed the course and I found it easy to understand and retain the information. The power points were also very good and the facilitator was amazing and an excellent trainer. I would definitely recommend Estia to any professional who works with people with learning disabilities.
City & Guilds Course Requirements
In addition to attending all workshops, participants will be required to complete and submit all the following learning activities on Oracle, our virtual learning environment in order to successfully complete the course:
- Develop a self-identified action plan at the end of first workshop.
- Work towards achieving their action plan goal during the month before the final workshop.
- Complete and submit assigned workbook exercises before the final workshop. This will include you completing an ABC chart for someone you support.
- Complete and submit a reflective exercise at the end of the final workshop.
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Not for profit organisations in Lambeth, Lewisham or Southwark and SLaM NHS or GSTT NHS staff
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All other learners
On booking a place on this training programme, you will be directed to Estia Oracle, our new virtual learning environment where you can access workshop information, learning materials and resources. If you would like to book multiple places for this course please email