Advance Choice Documents explored on BBC Radio 4 programme | Press releases

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Advance Choice Documents explored on BBC Radio 4 programme

Advance Choice Documents

A BBC Radio 4 programme called Bound to the Mast explores the use of Advance Choice Documents, which can help to support people who use mental health services to have choice and autonomy over their care.

Presenter Dr Sally Marlow, Engagement and Impact Fellow at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience, King's College London speaks to Juan, who has joined a has joined a pilot study taking place at South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust.

Listen to Bound to the Mast on BBC Radio 4.

Advance Choice Documents are part of the reforms to the Mental Health Act which are underway to give service users more control, when well, over what happens to them when they become seriously ill.

Bound to the Mast investigates why people with mental illness are committing themselves in advance, when well, to treatment which they know they may want to refuse when they become unwell. Dr Sally Marlow hears from experts from South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust including Dr Shubulade Smith, Clinical Director for Forensic Services at South London and Maudsley, and experts from the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience, King’s College London.

South London and Maudsley is currently working with staff, carers and service users on a research project to get a version of these advance choice documents to work for Black African and Caribbean service users who have previously been detained under the Mental Health Act, and is holding a series of workshops to inform and guide what the resources we create will look like. 

This workshop will be for Black service users, carers/supporters and staff. Find out more on our website Events - South London and Maudsley (