Aiming High; Changing Lives  - Trust launches five-year strategy | Press releases

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Aiming High; Changing Lives  - Trust launches five-year strategy

Aiming High; Changing Lives identifies how South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust will deliver the best possible outcomes for the communities it serves, through five new strategic ambitions which reflect the complex and dynamic environment in which the Trust operates.

During a six-month programme of listening and engagement events, the Trust had more than 1,700 interactions with staff, service users, carers, partners and community organisations who helped to inform and shape the new ambitions.

The new five-year strategy which was launched on 30 September 2021 aims for all Trust services to operate at the level of our very best and safest, for children, young people, adults and older people.

Our five new strategic ambitions

  • Delivering outstanding mental health care 
  • A partner in prevention 
  • Being a catalyst for change 
  • Building a culture of trust together 
  • Becoming effective and sustainable 

David Bradley, Chief Executive, said:

“Aiming High; Changing Lives sets out our vision to ensure South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust offers each and every person outstanding treatment and support to enable recovery and live a fulfilling life.

“Our strategy focuses on the areas where we believe we can have the greatest impact on improving people’s lives. We are committed to putting people, their carers and families at the heart of all that we do, ensuring our systems and processes fit around their needs first and foremost.

“We cannot achieve our ambitions alone and so are committed to deepen our links with partners to help prevent more people becoming acutely ill and support people to recover. We believe that together, we can be outstanding.”

Sir Norman Lamb, Chair, said:

“I would like to thank everyone who everyone who has contributed to the development of the strategy and created a vision for our organisation that will help us make huge strides over the next five years together.

“Respecting human rights and treating people with dignity must define our every interaction with people who use our services, their families and carers, and with our own staff.

“This must include reducing the disparities faced by people from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic communities, who form a significant proportion of people using our local services. As a Trust, we want to be known for our action on anti-racism and this will be a golden thread throughout all our work.”

Aiming High; Changing Lives, sets out the Trust’s plans to improve the ways we work together with people who use mental health services and their families and carers to achieve greater transparency, openness and achieve the outcomes important to them.

Richie Morton, Service User and Carer Lead at South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust, said: "People who use services should be supported by the Trust to develop the knowledge, skills and confidence to make informed decisions about their own health. When people who use services are listened to, and there is true coproduction, the Trust can learn, provide better care and improve."

Aiming High; Changing Lives, builds on the strong foundations of Changing Lives, the Trust’s previous strategy.