Join our latest strategy event and Annual Members Meeting - 18 October

Last year, we launched our new five year strategy Aiming High; Changing Lives which will transform our services and empower our staff to deliever the very best care to those that rely on us.
Join us on 18 October in person at Lambeth Town Hall or online to hear from our staff and people who use our services about the latest progress we have made in delivering our plans.
Annual Members Meeting
As well as marking the end of the first year of our strategy, this event will be combined with our Annual Members Meeting where our annual report and accounts will be presented.
This is your opportunity to talk to members of our leadership team and our staff as well as service users, carers and our partner organisations.
Event details
Date: 18 October 2022
Time: 5:30pm to 7:30pm
Location: Lambeth Town Hall and online via Microsoft Teams
Sign up now
To attend the event in person or online, please complete the registration form via Eventbrite to secure your place. Register now