Congratulations to Dr Emmert Roberts

Dr Emmert Roberts, Honorary Specialist Registrar in Substance Misuse Psychiatry at South London and the Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust and MRC Clinical Research Fellow in the National Addiction Centre, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience (IoPPN) has been awarded a one-year Commonwealth Fund Harkness Fellowship in Health Policy and Practice based at Stanford University, California to examine health inequities in opioid overdose prevention, and a five-year NIHR Advanced fellowship developing interventions to improve care for people with problematic drug and alcohol use in the UK.
The Harkness Fellowships were modelled after the Rhodes Scholarships and aim to produce the next generation of health policy leaders in participating countries. They are considered one of the most prestigious award programs in health policy.
Mary Jane Docherty, Deputy Medical Director, said: “I would like to heartily congratulate Dr Roberts on this outstanding achievement and prestigious fellowship. This is testament to your hard work and dedication to improve outcomes for people with problematic drug and alcohol use and tackle inequality.”