Congratulations to our HSJ award winners | Press releases

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Congratulations to our HSJ award winners

This past year was a year like no other for many of us. Yet our staff have continued to show exceptional hard work, determination and unwavering commitment to providing the best possible patient care during periods of unprecedented challenge. The incredible work of staff across south London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust and King’s Health Partners more widely has been recognised nationally and locally, with a number of colleagues noted at the HSJ Awards. The awards ceremony celebrated the diligent and selfless work of our staff over the past 12 months – a year which has been one of the most demanding on record for the NHS.

The first virtual HSJ Awards took place on the evening of 17 March and more than 4,500 health and social care staff watched online. The event was hosted by comedian, actor and charity campaigner, Sir Lenny Henry, alongside award-winning journalist and broadcaster, Victoria Derbyshire. You can read more about our winners and finalists below.

Health and Local Government Partnership Award

Winner: Healthy London Partnership and Greater London Authority - The London Homeless Health Response to COVID-19, involving colleagues from South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust

The Greater London Authority (GLA) and the Healthy London Partnership, including colleagues from South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust, won the 2020 HSJ Health and Local Government Award for their homeless health response to COVID-19 which included establishing the new Homeless Hotel Drug and Alcohol Service. Their work was vital in delivering substance misuse support to people experiencing rough sleeping in emergency accommodation during the COVID-19 pandemic in London.

Dr Emmert Roberts, an MRC Clinical Research Fellow in the National Addiction Centre, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience King’s College London and an Honorary Addiction Psychiatrist at the South London and the Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust and clinical lead for the service, said:

“Recognition that addiction expertise was vital in ensuring a coordinated healthcare response across London during the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic is really valued.

“Bringing together the majority of London’s substance misuse providers at a time of crisis was a unique opportunity to find new ways of working together for the benefit of service users across the city.”

Workforce Initiative of the Year

Winner: King’s College Hospital and South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trusts

In 2020, Kings College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust were successful in rapidly implementing a coordinated wellbeing response for hospital staff. The programme brought together multiple disciplines to proactively manage the impact of COVID-19 on its 14,000-person workforce. Supported by the Mind & Body Programme at King's Health Partners, the programme brought together the expertise of King’s College Hospital and South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust colleagues. This COVID-19 Staff Support and Wellbeing Programme was recognised for its ambition and demonstrable positive impact on patient and staff experiences within the health sector.

Dr Mary Docherty, consultant liaison psychiatrist, Department of Psychological Medicine, King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, who co-led the COVID-19 Staff Support and Wellbeing Programme, said:

“This was a truly collaborative effort across organisations, professions and teams. Every single person went above and beyond driven by a desire to help, contribute and show their gratitude to all King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust staff for their remarkable ongoing work during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“The award recognises not just the staff support programme but the incredible response across teams and departments to support their staff and look after their patients. The next year will be critical in sustaining and advancing the foundation created by this work. I hope the award serves to maintain that momentum and authorises all departments to be able to prioritize staff health and wellbeing alongside service demands.”

Dr Claire McDonald, principal clinical psychologist, King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, also involved in the programme, said:

“We are so delighted to receive this acknowledgement with, and on behalf of all of our colleagues who have worked so hard to support staff throughout the pandemic. The staff support programme has been continuously evolving and maturing since its inception and we are very excited to continue to adapt and develop our whole-organisation approach to staff wellbeing. A sense of feeling valued and cared for within our teams and the wider organisation is essential for promoting and maintaining staff resilience and good mental health, as well as ensuring the capacity to care optimally for our patients.”

Sophie Gray, senior project manager, Mind & Body Programme, said:

“The Mind & Body team at King’s Health Partners are delighted to have played a crucial role in enabling the rapid design and delivery of the staff health and wellbeing support offer during the COVID-19 pandemic. By convening groups of passionate multi-professionals from across our partnership we have truly demonstrated the incredible impact and value of our collective efforts. A huge congratulations to everyone who played a role in making this happen – you went above and beyond, and you should be extremely proud.”

System Leadership Initiative of the Year

Highly commended: One Croydon Alliance

The One Croydon Alliance was highly commended as an organisation that is working together to tackle health inequalities and provide better quality care.

The One Croydon Alliance was formed in 2017 and is made up of Age UK Croydon, Croydon Council, Croydon Health Services NHS Trust, South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust, Croydon GP Collaborative and NHS South West London Clinical Commissioning Group.

Alongside our winners and those who were highly commended, we are also incredibly proud of everyone who was shorlisted for an award including the Trust's Eileen Skellern 1 Psychiatric intensive care unit (ES1 PICU) and Oxehealth who were shortlisted for “Improving safety in seclusion with non-contact technology”.