Health and Social Care Secretary visits Mosaic Clubhouse in Lambeth | Press releases

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Health and Social Care Secretary visits Mosaic Clubhouse in Lambeth

Sajid Javid visited Mosaic Clubhouse in Lambeth October 2021

Health and Social Care Secretary, Sajid Javid visited Mosaic Clubhouse in Lambeth to launch of the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID), which will focus on the prevention of health conditions before they develop,  help people live longer, healthier and happier lives. Chief Medical Officer, Professor Chris Whitty, will provide professional leadership to OHID.

Mosaic Clubhouse, in Brixton, supports people who are living with a mental health condition in the London Borough of Lambeth, it is funded by partners in  the Lambeth Living Well Network Alliance, part of the wider Our Healthier South East London Integrated Care System, providing access to education and employment, crisis support and information. 

The Alliance is a collaboration between five organisations: South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust, Certitude and Thames Reach (voluntary sector); NHS SEL Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) and Lambeth Council. 

South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust has launched a programme of Mental Ill-Health Prevention and Recovery and a community engagement programme South London Listens following the Covid-19 pandemic which aims to build community capacity and resilience. The Trust is also a pilot site for PCREF: Patient Carer and Race Equality Framework, to bring together our Black communities, Black service users and their carers – supporting the Trust’s ambition to be an anti-racist organisation.  

David Bradley, Chief Executive of South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust:

“Equity in access, positive experiences and outcomes across mental health services has never been so important and we welcome the launch of the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities to further support our communities. We are committed and passionate about working with our partners to prevent people in our communities becoming unwell and promoting equality, diversity and inclusion. By working together now, we can prevent tens of thousands of people’s lives being affected by mental illness.

“Our Mental Ill-Health Prevention and Recovery Programme is driving change across our local communities, supporting people to start to rebuild their lives following the pandemic. South London Listens enabled us to hear from almost 6,000 people who have been most affected by the pandemic and find tangible solutions to build stronger, mentally healthier communities for the future together. This innovative programme will see us work hand in hand with our communities to support people’s mental health to prevent people in across south London from becoming unwell.”

Sabrina Phillips, Alliance Director, said:

“A key focus for the Lambeth Alliance is tackling systemic health inequalities which we know have become more apparent following the Covid-19 pandemic. The Living Well Network Alliance has made some considerable progress in our communities to improve adult mental health services in Lambeth. While we are pleased with our achievements so far, the most recent being the co-production of  Culturally Appropriate Peer Support and Advocacy Service with Black Thrive and Black Service users which will be rolled out in our South West Living Well Centre. We know we can do more to tackle inequality and support people living in our communities to stay well.”  

Chris Thomas, Chief Executive of Mosaic Clubhouse, said:

“Good mental health is impacted by so many factors, but here at Mosaic we work alongside people with mental health issues to build a community together. By being part of a healthy and thriving community in which they are wanted and needed, we know that people can recover and grow in confidence and skills. Working side-by-side and in partnership with other local organisations really works – not just in improving mental health, but also enabling people to stay physically well too.”

Andrew Bland, South East London Integrated Care System (ICS) lead said:

"Our Integrated Care System is based on the principle of partnership working – pooling expertise and working together to improve care for our communities.  The Lambeth Living Well Alliance is a fantastic example of this sort of partnership in action. When health and care, the voluntary sector and local communities work together, we can find better ways of supporting local people: improving prevention, speeding up access to care and offering services that are better tailored to people’s needs."