Professor Sir Simon Wessely appointed to NHS England Board of Directors

Professor Sir Simon Wessely, Non-Executive Director at South London and Maudsley and Regius Professor of Psychiatry at King’s College London has been appointed as Non-Executive Director to the NHSE board.
Professor Sir Simon Wessely has worked as a clinical psychiatrist, specialising in general hospital psychiatry, for the past 35 years.
He has held several leadership roles and was President of the Royal College of Psychiatrists prior to being the first psychiatrist to be elected President of the Royal Society of Medicine.
Professor Wessely has served on numerous national governmental committees connected with military health, emergency response, population health and mental health.
In 2021 he became a Fellow of the Royal Society (FRS). His is the first ever Regius Chair to be appointed at King’s College London, and the first Regius Chair of Psychiatry in this country. He established the King’s Centre for Military Health Research in 1996, and remains the Co-director, and since 2013 has been the Director of the PHE NIHR Health Protection Unit for Emergency Response and Preparedness, which has been very active during the COVID-19 crisis.
Amanda Pritchard, NHS Chief Executive, said: “As we deal with record demand for our services, continue to make progress on recovery following the pandemic, and strive to transform care for the future, I know their extensive clinical knowledge, skills and experience will help us improve services for patients across the country, and I look forward to working with them over the coming months.”
Baroness Mary Warkins and Professor Sir Mark Walport are also joining the NHS England board and will take up their position on January 27 2023.