South London and Maudsley receives funding to provide mental health support for victims of terrorism

Victims and survivors of terrorist attacks will continue to receive the support they need, as the Government confirms further funding to continue to provide practical and emotional support to victims and survivors.
South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust, Cruse Bereavement Support, the Peace Foundation and Victim Support will receive funding to ensure a range of victims’ needs are met. These four organisations have successfully delivered services since funding began in October 2020.
David Bradley, Chief Executive, South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust said: “We are pleased this funding will enable us to continue to offer vital specialist care and support to people who have been affected by a terror incident. We know people are resilient but traumatic events can have a lasting impact - we want to help people who may be struggling to cope and who may benefit from professional mental health support."
2022 marks the fifth anniversary of several terrorist attacks that took place in 2017. The funding extension will ensure that all victims of terrorism can continue to access support, regardless of when the attack happened.
Support includes:
- Access to a 24/7 National Contact Centre and support helpline, alongside a dedicated Caseworker
- Mental health assessment and referral
- Bereavement support
- Long-term peer support networks
The Home Office’s Victims of Terrorism Unit recognises a victim to be anyone affected by a terrorist attack, whether that be someone who has suffered physical, mental or emotional harm, those who have been bereaved (including extended family members), witnesses and first responders to the scene of the incident. The services are available to anyone affected by an attack in the UK, or those returning to the UK following an attack overseas.
The Survivors of Terrorism Support Service at the Centre for Anxiety Disorders and Trauma, South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust focusses on outreach, screening, assessment and onwards referral for psychological treatments. Find out more:
Victim Support run a 24/7 support line to provide victims with immediate, practical, and easily accessible support. They can be contacted on 08 08 16 89 111 or via live chat
Cruse Bereavement Support provide bereavement support for victims who are not currently eligible to receive support under the Homicide Service.
The Peace Foundation facilitate a long-term peer support network for victims of terrorism.
Further information about the support services available to victims can be found at