South London and Maudsley to hold World Suicide Prevention Conference and Service of Remembrance

South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust and South East London Mind, together with our partners at Thrive LDN, are holding a World Suicide Prevention Day Conference and Service of Remembrance, where we will remember people we have lost to suicide, personally or professionally.
The event will run from 10am to 11.30am on Friday 9 September.
Please register your interest here.
Simon Sherring, Deputy Chief Nurse at South London and Maudsley said: “I am pleased to invite you to our fourth annual event to mark World Suicide Prevention Day.
“This event is important to me for professional reasons and for personal reasons, as there was a suicide in my family.
“Please feel free to share widely. The event is open to anyone. I hope you can join us.”
The event will include a speaker bereaved by suicide who will share his experience. It will also include experts from NHS England, Thrive London, South East London Suicide Bereavement Services and the National Data Guardian. There will also be an update from South East London and South West London on south London ICS’ Suicide Prevention Plans.
The non-denominational service of remembrance will also be held to remember those lost through suicide, either personally or professionally.
This is a virtual event and will be hosted on Microsoft Teams.
Register for the conference on Eventbrite.