South London and Maudsley win at inaugural Royal College of Psychiatrists London Division Awards

South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust is delighted to announce Dr Raj Mohan, Consultant Psychiatrist, and the Croydon Mental Health Liaison Team won awards at the inaugural Royal College of Psychiatrists London Division Awards on Tuesday 24 May.
Dr Raj Mohan was awarded RCPsych London Division Psychiatrist of the Year 2022 for his clinical excellence, leadership and high degree of kindness and compassion.
Dr Mohan said: “I am absolutely honoured to receive this award and acknowledgement, and so grateful to Dr George Gillett for his kind nomination. I owe this to all the amazing colleagues I work with, who make high quality patient care a reality every single day. We keep patient and carer experience central to everything we do – whilst also looking after each other.”
Dr Shubulade Smith, Consultant Psychiatrist at South London and Maudsley said: “Raj is a highly experienced rehabilitation psychiatrist. A recent addition to our forensic team, he has brought a refreshing innovative approach to our service and is helping us to deliver high quality care to our very marginalised and stigmatised patients. He is also a wonderful colleague and friend. Well done, Raj!”
Hilary Williams, Service Director for Croydon and Behavioural and Developmental Psychiatry said: "Raj is so passionate about his work and puts the service user voice at the centre of his practice. He is a real multi-disciplinary team player and has championed service users leading their Care Programme Approach meetings. His leadership skills are exemplary, and he is a superb role model. This award is thoroughly deserved, and I am delighted for Raj."
Croydon Mental Health Liaison Service won the Team of the Year award, for their outstanding dedication to mental health. The team, based at Croydon University Hospital, provide psychiatric assessments for people aged 18 and above to ensure they get the right treatment to address their mental health problems.
Hilary Williams, Service Director for Croydon and Behavioural and Developmental Psychiatry said: “This team has worked tirelessly throughout the pandemic. They have demonstrated incredible resilience and are the epitome of collaboration and multi-agency working in a fast-paced environment. They are incredible ambassadors for the Trust, and I am so pleased their hard work has been recognised in this way."
Dr Ajoy Thachil, Consultant Liaison Psychiatrist for the Mental Health Liaison Team said: “The Croydon Mental Health Liaison Service team’s youngest team member is 27, the oldest 71. The team includes 13 nationalities, a British national foot-golfer, a British national Bowls champion, an interior designer, and an amateur pilot. Their guiding principle is unity in diversity. They are passionate, dynamic, fun, collaborative and patient centred- day in and day out. I am so thrilled the team’s hard work is being celebrated.”
Dr Michael Holland, Medical Director at South London and Maudsley said: “I am delighted the outstanding care delivered by both Dr Mohan and the Croydon Mental Health Liaison Service has been recognised by the Royal College. Both Dr Mohan and the Croydon Liaison Service deliver outstanding care for our patients and contribute to improving the lives of the people and communities we serve.”