South London and Maudsley honour staff at glittering awards ceremony

Over 250 colleagues from across South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust were honoured during a special evening of celebration at the Trust’s annual awards ceremony on Thursday, 7 March 2024.
Sponsored by Maudsley Charity , the glitzy awards were an opportunity for staff to be recognised for their outstanding efforts over the last 12 months in helping to improve the lives of patients, carers and our communities across 13 categories.
David Bradley, Chief Executive said:
It’s an enormous achievement to have over 550 nominations, our most ever, and for those then shortlisted to reach this stage of the process.
Our finalists are shining examples of the values and behaviours we want to see embedded throughout our organisation. We’ve heard incredible stories of kindness, respect and of people working tirelessly together to achieve great things for the people who use our services. I am immensely proud to be part of an organisation full of such wonderful people.
Addressing attendees at the ceremony Sir Norman Lamb, Chair of the Trust said:
We are incredibly proud of all – and your colleagues. You have worked so hard and shown such determination and courage in very tough times.
There is no doubt in my mind, whether you work on the frontline or in a role that supports our frontline services, that you have made a huge difference to the lives of so many people in the communities we serve, so a huge thank you for all that you have done and continue to do.
Thanks also to the Maudsley Charity for their incredibly generous sponsorship of these awards. Without their support, this event would not have been possible.
Mariama Jalloh, Chaffinch Ward Manager at the Bethlem Royal Hospital, who accepted the Transforming Lives Award on behalf of the ward team said:
This is for the entire team, including support staff. They deserve to see this and be proud of themselves. They work hard to prepare our patients for the community. This team is like a family to the patients. We give them hope and we are proud of that.
Rebecca Gray, Chief Executive of Maudsley Charity who sponsored the awards said:
Maudsley Charity is proud to once again support the Staff Awards. I was delighted to attend and join staff across South London and Maudsley to celebrate their commitment and hard work. It was moving and inspiring to hear how staff are going above and beyond for service users, patients and each other. A huge congratulations to all of the nominees and winners. What a brilliant event!
Photo by Ben McDade Photography
Our other Staff Awards 2024 winner are:
- Noeleen Morritt - Chief Executive and Chair’s Award – Individual award
- Southwark Team for Early Psychosis - Chief Executive and Chair’s Award – Team award
- Stephen Antao - Kindness and Caring award
- Olisa Skyers - Leading and Inspiring award
- Chris Rossmanith-Shoulder - Unsung Hero award
- Patrice Tharpe - Individual of the Year award
- Simone Myers - Equality, Diversity and Inclusion award
- CASCAID Team - Equality, Diversity and Inclusion – highly commended award
- Nicotine Research Group - Valued Partners award
- Chaffinch Ward - Transforming Lives award
- CAMHS Enhanced Treatment Service - Quality, Excellence and Learning award
- River House Occupational Therapy Team - Clinical Team of the Year award
- Learning and Development Team - Corporate Team of the Year award