The London Care Record goes live in London

From March 2023, our patients' clinical information will be shared securely through the London Care Record with other trusted health and care partners who are providing care to that person. This will enable information to be accessed quickly, at point of care, anywhere in London.
Information for patients
The London Care Record is a secure view of Patient health and care information. Sharing records between care providers already happens but only health and social care professionals involved in the patients’ care will have access to the patient’s information.
Most GP surgeries and hospitals in London are using and sharing information into the London Care Record. Some community health and care services, out of hours, the London Ambulance Service and other NHS 111 services are also using the London Care Record. Find list of health and care organisations connected to the London Care Record - London Care Record partners – OneLondon
Patient information displayed in the London Care Record
The London Care Record displays only partial Patient information compared to what, the health and care organisations hold. Information shared varies from organisation to organisation depends on what those organisations have decided to share.
- Patient Contact details such as their name, address, date of birth etc
- Involved teams - mental health team details, team members and support network
- Details about Patient appointments in different hospital or GP.
- Diagnosed conditions – to make sure Patient clinical and care staff provide appropriate care.
- Medication and Important alerts so everyone treating the patent can see what medicines they have been prescribed.
- Allergies – to ensure patients are not given medicines or treatments that could have an adverse reaction to them.
- The Blood test and path lab results, to ensure tests are not repeated if this isn’t necessary.
- Clinical letters, letters to GP and discharge information – to make sure the people caring for the patient have all the information they need about other care and treatment the patient is having elsewhere.
- Care plans (if / where available) – for health and care workers involved in patients care to view a joined-up plan of care.
- Community, CAMHS and Addiction events
The benefits of sharing patient information include
Sharing information is important it helps Clinicians to make quick informed decisions to providing better and safer care especially during emergency situations or out of normal working hours.
Who can see patient information
Only health and social care professionals involved in the patient’s care will access the patient’s information to provide the best care possible. E.g. a hospital doctor, community nurse or those involved in patents care could view the information they need from the patient’s GP records, and the GP can access information about the care you receive in hospital.
Patients ‘opt out’ option
Patients have a right to ‘Opt-out’ of sharing data, if the patient does not want to share their data to the London Care Record.
Patients can raise an objection to data sharing by informing health and social care professionals involved in the patients care. If the patient is still not sure below are some links that can help depending on where you live, they have different processes to follow.
- If you live in South East London: click here
- If you live in South West London: click here
More information
- You can find more on the OneLondon site here: Information for patients – OneLondon