The London Care Record goes live soon

The London Care Record enables the sharing of care information for direct care, quickly and securely, at point of care anywhere in London. The London Care Record is a secure view of a person’s health and care information, accessed by the professionals involved in the person’s care across London. This information includes medicines a person is prescribed, their recent care visits, allergies and diagnosis and more.
It enables health and care professionals directly involved in a person’s care to treat them more effectively and efficiently, at the point of care. The sharing of a person’s information happens automatically and is only used for the purpose of direct care. The London Care Record helps doctors, nurses and other health and social care professionals directly involved with patient care to make better and safer decisions. It will allow important information about patients to be shared across the various organisations involved in a person’s care so that everyone has all the information they need to make decisions about a person’s care.
Here at South London and Maudsley we will share patient demographics, details of involved teams and are coordinator, information on admissions, transfers and discharges, pathology results, GP letters and discharge summaries.
The London Care Record will include sharing of patient data from:
GP practices, Acute services, Community services, Out of hours, Social care services and other Mental health trusts. Once fully rolled out, the London Care Record will include information from across London.
Watch this video for more information:
With safer, better connected and more personalised care using the London care record, we can:
- reduce the need for you to repeat your story to all the professionals involved in your care;
- avoid repeat testing, investigations and referring you unnecessarily to services;
- reduce unnecessary and unplanned admissions or visits to hospitals;
- prescribe medicines safely and accurately;
- and much more.
To learn more about the London Care Record, visit
The timely sharing of information helps to make your care better and safer and can save lives. However, if you do not want to share your information, that's fine. Please contact your health or care professional. They will tell you how this might affect your care in the future.
Please note - If you previously requested your information not be shared in Connect Care this is still honoured in London Care Record. If you prefer your health and care information not to be shared in the London Care Record, please inform your health and care professional.
Got questions?
Please visit the frequently asked questions page.