Virtual ‘In Your Shoes’ Workshop on 1 June for Service Users and Carers

At South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust we launched our ambitious new strategy Aiming High; Changing Lives on 30 September 2021. The strategy sets out how we will transform mental health services by 2026 through five ambitions.
One of these ambitions is to ‘build a culture of trust together’.
We know that more needs to be done to achieve this. In February 2022, we launched our Creating Our Culture programme and since then, we have spoken to hundreds of staff, service users and carers to gather important data about what makes a good day and a bad day in our care. Everything that staff, service users and carers have said will soon go into creating South London and Maudsley’s first Values and Behaviours Framework.
This framework will be embedded into the organisation at every level. Staff will be able to use it in their day-to-day work, supervision or appraisals. Hiring managers will use it in interviews to make sure we recruit the right people aligned with our aspirations for transforming mental health. Clinicians, patients and carers will be able use the framework through conversations with each other, ensuring openness, kindness and respect is central part of every interaction.
However, we want to make sure that we give everyone the opportunity to take part, so we have added another virtual In Your Shoes session to the programme and launched our new culture survey. If you have recently been discharged from our care or care for someone who has, then we want to hear about your experiences and how we can improve.
Please register to attend the virtual In Your Shoes workshop taking place on Wednesday 1 June 9.30am – 11.00am and complete the short survey here. Everything that you tell us will go into creating our new Values and Behaviours Framework.
During the virtual workshop, you will be paired with one or two members of staff and asked to share your experiences with us. This will include good days; bad days; and what behaviours and values you think our staff should exhibit. The staff will be there purely to listen to your stories and make sure that we capture everything that you tell us.
We look forward to seeing you at the In Your Shoes workshop and if you have any questions, please email