World Suicide Prevention Day Conference and Service of Remembrance | Press releases

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World Suicide Prevention Day Conference and Service of Remembrance

South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust and South East London Mind, together with our partners at Thrive LDN and Zero Suicide Alliance (ZSA) held a World Suicide Prevention Day Conference and Service of Remembrance. 

The conference and service of remembrance, which remembered people we have lost to suicide, personally or professionally, took place on Friday September 10, 2021 from 10am - 11.30am. 

Simon Sherring, Deputy Director of Nursing at South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust said:

"We want to raise awareness of suicide and need to do all we can to prevent it. Our Chaplains will hold a non-denominational service of remembrance, for all faiths and none, to remember people we have lost to suicide, personally or professionally."

Dr Phil Moore, co-chair of the Thrive LDN Suicide Prevention Group and chair of the NHSCC Mental Health Commissioners Network, said: 

“We need to continue to be innovative in our approach to suicide prevention in London. The Covid crisis means the challenges are even greater, and it is only through continued efforts to support whole communities to come together and address the causes of poor mental health that we can meet our shared aspiration of making the capital a ‘zero suicide’ city. By thinking and talking more about our mental health, we can break the stigma surrounding suicide and mental health.”

The South East London Suicide Bereavement Service supports people who have lost someone to suicide across the boroughs of Bexley, Bromley, Greenwich, Lambeth, Lewisham and Southwark. We work with people who live in these boroughs and those whose loved one lived or died in these boroughs.

The service is provided in partnership with South East London Mind. Find out more about the Suicide Bereavement Service