A clinical and cost effectiveness RCT of iACT4CARERS


Volunteers Needed for
Research Study on iACT4CARERS 

Are you currently supporting a family member living with dementia? Are you experiencing worries or distress and interested in receiving online support?

You may be eligible for a large trial testing if internet-delivered self-help Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for family carers of people with dementia (iACT4CARERS) is helpful in improving psychological well-being.

iACT4CARERS focuses on helping people to manage difficult or troubling thoughts and feelings, while still trying to do activities that really matter to them.

Visit our website

We can arrange an interpreter should you require one.

Are you interested in taking part in this study? 

Find out more by filling in this form

Planned end date

31 Jan 2026 10:24



Inclusion Criteria

1) Aged 18 years and over.
3) Caring for a family member diagnosed with dementia.
3) Presenting anxiety symptoms (this will be assessed using a standardised measure GAD7 at screening).
4) Help-seeking (carers who want to receive online support).
5) Having access to the internet.

Exclusion Criteria

1) Lacking capacity to provide fully informed written consent.
2) Currently receiving ongoing formal psychological therapy (e.g. CBT, psychodynamic psychotherapy, systemic therapy and counselling).
3) Experiencing disabling medical or mental health problems making participation inappropriate or impractical.
4) Expressing active suicidal intent.

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