Characterising Illness Stages, Progression, and Recovery Trajectories of Eating Disorders in Young People: STORY
We want to hear your STORY – Join our new research study!
We are calling on young people from all across the UK to take part in a new exciting study about the diverse experiences of young people with eating disorders growing up today. What factors make a person’s recovery journey quicker or slower, easier or harder? Having a clear understanding of this will allow us to design better, more personalised interventions for young people with eating disorders.
What does it involve?
You would take part for one year, during which you complete online surveys and tasks on your computer and your smartphone at different times. You can also choose to wear a smart ring for the year to measure your heart rate and sleep. If you live nearby, you can also attend two assessment visits at King’s College London or the University of Edinburgh, that involve cognitive tasks and brain scans. You can earn up to £175 by the end of your participation.
Who can participate?
Young people aged 16-25, who have a diagnosis of an eating disorder or think they may have an eating disorder. We also invite young people who have no history with an eating disorder or any other mental disorder to take part as healthy controls.
Are you interested in taking part in this study?
Planned end date
01 Jul 2025 23:59Conditions
Anorexia,Bulimia,Eating DisordersInclusion Criteria
General eligibility criteria for all groups for inclusion in this study are as follows:
• Individuals of any gender aged 16-25
• Ability to give informed consent for participation
• Access and ability to complete online assessments via smartphone and/or computer
• Willingness and ability to install the RADAR Active App on their own smartphone or study smartphone provided, during the data collection period (12 months)
Inclusion criteria for the FREED group:
• Current or suspected DSM-5 or ICD-10 diagnosis of an ED (e.g., Anorexia Nervosa incl. AN-restricting type (AN-R) or AN-binge/purge type (AN-BP)), Bulimia Nervosa (BN), Binge Eating Disorder (BED) or any other related eating or feeding disorder (e.g. OSFED)
• Illness duration of < 3 years
Inclusion criteria for the non-FREED group:
• Current or suspected DSM-5 or ICD-10 diagnosis of an ED (e.g., AN incl. AN-R or AN-BP, BN, BED, or any other related eating or feeding disorder, e.g. OSFED)
• Illness duration of >3 years
Inclusion criteria healthy controls:
• No current or suspected DSM-5/ICD-10 diagnosis of AN, BN, or BED
• Score below the clinical cut-off for the EDDS screening measures
• BMI > 18.5kg/m2
• No current or past mental health disorder
Inclusion criteria for the neuroimaging part:
• Willingness and ability to travel to King’s College London for the neuroimaging session
Exclusion Criteria
General exclusion criteria for all groups:
• Inability to independently understand instructions and questions relevant to completing, at least, the mandatory study assessments Residing outside the UK
• Any major medical disease which might impact the patient’s ability to participate in normal daily activities (e.g., due to hospitalisations)
• Severe learning disabilities
• Pregnancy or suspected pregnancy
Exclusion criteria for the neuroimaging part:
• Restricted mobility, including inability to lie flat for 1 hour.
• A history of brain injuries including stroke, tumours, epilepsy, neurodegenerative or other neurological disorders
• A history of head or eye injury
• Metallic implants anywhere in the head or body
• Pregnancy or suspected pregnancy