Cognitive Remediation in Bipolar (CRiB2): a randomised trial assessing efficacy and mechanisms of cognitive remediation therapy compared to treatment as usual
We are investigating the effects of a new psychological therapy for people with bipolar disorder and looking for volunteers to take part in a research study
• Are you aged 18-65 years?
• Do you have a diagnosis of bipolar disorder and are currently not experiencing disabling symptoms of depression or mania?
• Are you interested in helping research by taking part in this study, exploring whether “Cognitive Remediation” can benefit people with bipolar?
All information will remain confidential and volunteers will receive £60 payment, as a “thank you”, at the end of the study, as well as reimbursement of travel expenses.
Are you interested in taking part in this study?
Planned end date
31 May 2026 23:59Conditions
Bipolar DisorderInclusion Criteria
1) have a DSM-5 diagnosis of bipolar type I or II (validated using the MINI 7 interview);
2) be aged between 18 and 65 years;
3) be euthymic according to the Newcastle Euthymia Protocol (Thompson et al. 2005). This euthymia criteria requires participants to score less than 8 on both the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HAMD) and Young Mania Rating Scale (YMRS) (standardised cut-off scores) covering the previous month. These scoring criteria must be met at both timepoints assessed prior to inclusion – the two timepoints are a first screen 2 weeks before baseline assessment will be scheduled, and the second within 24 hours before informed consent);
4) be able to use a computerised device (defined as having used a computer or a smartphone at least once in the prior 4 weeks without any difficulties).
Exclusion Criteria
changes to treatment (medication or initiation of a new therapy) over the coming 6 months (trial period);
7) Not having registered with a primary healthcare professional in the UK (i.e., General Practice) or unwillingness to provide their details for the study to contact;
8) Unable to travel to one of the research sites on a regular basis over 25 weeks;
9) Unable to provide informed consent to participate, for any other reason.