CONNECT: using electronic devices (e.g. smartphones, smartwatches) to predict relapse of psychosis
Can we use electronic devices to predict if someone will have a relapse of psychosis?
Would you like to use your experiences to help develop new knowledge, which could make a real difference to the lives of people who experience psychosis?
Are you interested in taking part in research using a smartphone and a wearable device, which we will give to you?
We are testing out whether information collected from a smartphone, wearable device, and questionnaires over 12 months can be used to predict relapse of psychosis.
You are eligible to take part if:
- You are 16 years-old or over
- You have experienced psychosis and are registered with a mental health service
- You are willing to take part in the study and use technology to look at your mental health
Are you interested in taking part in this study?
Find out more by filling in this form
Planned end date
31 Dec 2025 23:59Conditions
Psychosis,SchizophreniaInclusion Criteria
Participants will be people with lived experience of psychosis on existing caseloads of secondary care mental health teams in NHS Trusts/Health Boards who are:
- Adults of working age (16 - 65 years)
- Within the past two years have had at least one acute episode of psychosis (including relapse and first episode) leading to an unscheduled episode of acute care, including inpatient admission or acute home treatment / crisis intervention
- Received a clinical diagnosis of schizophrenia spectrum disorder (ICD10 F20 - 29)
- Current presentation does not include severe acute symptoms
- In accordance with the Mental Capacity Act, mental capacity will be assumed. If there is any doubt, then a capacity assessment will be carried out by a clinician from the study team or the responsible clinician
Exclusion Criteria
- Experienced a recent relapse, operationally defined as having been discharged from the care of a crisis team/psychiatric inpatient service within the previous 12 weeks
- Non-English speaking