Investigating exposure to toxicants from smoking and vaping
We are trying to identify what chemicals are found in the urine of people with mental health problems who smoke tobacco, use e-cigarettes, or do not smoke or vape.
If you only smoke, only vape or do not smoke or vape, we would like to see you twice, 6-months apart. If you smoke and vape, we would like to see you once a month for 6 months.
To begin we will ask you to complete a questionnaire about how much you smoke or vape. We will then ask you to provide a urine sample so we can test it for chemicals that are found in people who smoke tobacco cigarettes. We will also ask for an extra sample of blood during your routine blood tests.
We would also like to have a quick phone conversation with you in 3 months after we first meet to ask about how much you are smoking or vaping.
Are you interested in taking part in this study?
Planned end date
31 Mar 2025 23:59Conditions
Addictions - tobaccoInclusion Criteria
- People aged 18 and over, using community mental health services, (including those who attend clozapine clinics) And belong to one of the following groups:
- Exclusive smokers – people who smoke tobacco cigarettes at least daily and have not vaped an e-cigarette (except one or two puffs on a less than monthly basis), used NRT, smoking cessation medication or other tobacco products for the past 6 months.
- Exclusive vapers- people who vape e-cigarettes at least daily and have not smoked tobacco cigarettes (except one or two puffs on a less than monthly basis), used NRT, smoking cessation medication, or any other tobacco product for the past 6 months.
- Dual users- People who smoke tobacco cigarettes at least daily and also vape e-cigarettes at least once a week, and have not used NRT, smoking cessation medication, nor any other tobacco product for the past 6 months. People who vape e-cigarettes at least daily and also smoke cigarettes at least once a week, and have not used NRT, smoking cessation medication, nor any other tobacco product for the past 6 months.
- Non-users – people who have neither smoked, vaped used NRT, smoking cessation medication, nor any other tobacco product for the past 12 months.
Exclusion Criteria
Exclusion criteria
• Under the age of 18 years old.
• Unable to give informed consent.
• Unstable mental state defined as 1) severity of symptoms that render the patient unresponsive, unsociable, uncooperative, aggressive 2) memory impairment from head trauma or impaired ability to sustain concentration. To be assessed by clinical recruiting staff from medical records..
• Taking part in another study, experiment or clinical trial in which there is an intervention to alter their smoking/ vaping behaviour.
• Prescribed antibiotics in the past 14 days (recent infection will skew inflammation marker levels)
• Prescribed clozapine less than 18 weeks ago